Black and blue or white and gold? "Everyone went to DEFCON 5 immediately when someone disagreed. It was like you were questioning something even more fundamental than their religion," Wired articles editor Adam Rogers said. The controversy over "dress-gate" began on a Tumblr page where a ...
Thepicture of a striped dresswas posted online, and people couldn’t agree on its color. Some said it was blue-black, others saw it as gold and white, and a few even saw it as brown and blue. The debate was so intense that people even thought they were colorblind. In the end, the...
People who saw a white-gold dress assumed it was lit by daylight, so the brain ignored shorter, blue wavelengths. As for the people who perceived blue-black shade assumed artificial lighting and ignored longer red wavelengths. People who saw be blue-brown probably assumed neutral lighting, as ...
An overexposed image of a $77 dress has spawned millions of social media posts, countless arguments, worldwide intrigue and wonderment at the brain's interpretation of color, with everything boiling down to one question -- blue and black, or white and gold? A photo of a dress posted ...
In Feb 2015 an image of a dress posted on Tumblr triggered an internet phenomenon: Is the Dress blue and black (BB) or white and gold (WG)? Many claim BB and others insist WG while the true colors are BB. The prevailing theory is that assumptions about the illuminant govern perception ...
Marcello Rollando
it is the brain that constructs our perception of reality for us. Differences exist between individuals in sensory and perceptual processing, as well. This means that we may not all be experiencing the same reality – as is the case with the now famous blue and black or white and...
Black and Blue Naomie Harris, Tyrese Gibson, Frank Grillo 34 votes Black and Blue, an action-packed and thought-provoking thriller, stars Naomie Harris as a rookie police officer who captures the murder of a young drug dealer by corrupt cops on her body camera, forcing her to go on the...
Blue-Black Or White-Gold? You Tell Us What You See And We'll Tell You What Color The Dress Really Is!By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLineThis is not news, nor alternative news, no politics, economy, war, prophecy or conspiracy, but the Internet is quite literally going insane over a ...