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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Tweak Guide, By Koroush Ghazi Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 takes elements that fans enjoyed about the first Black Ops, and improves upon them in almost every way. Aside from continuing the Cold War plot established in the first game, Black Ops 2 also provides ...
对应游戏版本 Update 2 修改器已更新:http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-3551342-1-1.html 下载地址:3...
Black Ops II一日游(联机对战模式)自从12月份开始CODOL不断掉线,我实在忍受不了然后就在圣诞节入手了黑色行动2(吐槽:别跟我说什么我是土豪!一部实体的黑色行动2也才200多,你们在蛋拐或者喜爱福砸骨灰盒或者888我都不知道可以买几部正版游戏了)由于再下细胞分裂6所以闲来无事来带大家去黑色行动2的联机对战模式...
For the spin-off, see Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies. "A lie is a lie. Just because they write it down and call it history doesn't make it the truth. We live in a world where seeing is not believing, where only a few know what really happened. We live i
Update a constituent alias Updates an constituent alias. Update a constituent attachment Updates a constituent attachment. Update a constituent code Updates a constituent code. Update a constituent custom field Updates a constituent custom field. Update a constituent education Updates a constituent...
Black Ops Squadron Update by DesertFox on December 9, 2010 Well it's been a long time since the front page news has been updated and a lot has changed. The ]BoS[ members decided that the Battlefield Bad Company 2 scene had finally met it's end. The team has dropped BF:BC2 as one...
has confirmed that the nextgame will be Black Ops 4. The publisher has promised to reveal more information about the game on May 17 during a live stream event. What we do know is that veteran CoD studio Treyarch is developing the game. ...
F3 - 超级速度 F4 - 无限手雷 & 无需装弹 F5 - 速射 F6 - 超级速度 数字键 8 - 储存传送位置 数字键 9 - 传送 数字键 0 - 撤销传送 by Aobeta cf活动助手 | 2MB 文明5:美丽新世界(Civilization V: Brave New World)DX9-DX11五项修改器 ...
This mod has custom models player, model guns, huds, sounds and maps from Call of Duty black ops II. It uses pezbot mod. Welcome to the near future.