This mod is a complete overhaul project for Black Ops 2 Zombies. It fixes bugs left by the developers, adds new features, and changes details to the way they should have always been.
Custom mutation like config to setup your own zombies Set XP multiplier Quaknarok Open narrative rooms Give perks Give powerups (and others) Features This tool can be paired with thet8-custom-ee mod (PC)to run EE in casual or offline, you don't need it for custom mutations. ...
Includes 8 remastered classic Zombies maps from Call of Duty® World at War, Call of Duty® Black Ops and Call of Duty® Black Ops II. Complete maps from the original saga in fully remastered HD playable in Call of Duty® Black Ops III. Bonus C
The Die Maschine Easter egg is a welcome addition toBlack Ops Cold War Zombies.Like many other Easter Eggs, there is a plethora of objectives and activities to perform. These activities mostly remain the same, where you will be unlocking pack-a-punch, doing inter-dimensional traveling, and gr...
All Zombies fans can now get their fix with the Nuketown Zombies map. Nuketown Zombies is set during the events of Moon, and after the end of the multiplayer level from the original Black Ops game. A group of radiation scientists are investigating the Nu
本商品僅含喪屍地圖「Der Eisendrache」,並未包含DLC 1的多人遊玩地圖。需先擁有分開販售的『Call of Duty®: Black Ops III』製品版遊戲方可遊玩此內容。 若要使用本追加內容,需先購買個別發售的製品版遊戲光碟或先從PlayStation®Store購買遊戲的製品版及完成最新的網上更新。 您的隐私选择 我们在我们的网站上使用诸如cookie之类的技术来收集和使用个人数据,以个性化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能以及分析我们的流量。隐私政策 管理选项同意并继续 Powered byUniConsent Jan 01, 2022Jan 01, 2023Jan 01, 2024Jan 01, 2025 ...
Black Ops III Digital Personalization PackVisa tillägg Beskrivning Call of Duty®: Black Ops III Zombies Chronicles Edition består av det fullständiga grundspelet och Zombies Chronicles-expansionen. Call of Duty: Black Ops III kombinerar tre unika spellägen: Campaign, Multiplayer...
如何完成黑色宝箱世界事件 与其他爆发世界事件一样,黑色宝箱事件可以在任何地图区域中找到,但每轮的事件是随机给出的。这将在您的爆发地图上标有一个世界事件图标,上面有一个胸部符号。从远处看它也很明显,因为它周围有明亮的紫色光芒。与黑色宝箱互动即可开始。它将释放三个紫色球体,每个球体都会向不同的方向飞...
Forced to go rogue. Hunted from within. This is Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. Black Ops 6 is a spy action thriller set in the early 90s, a period of transition and upheaval in global politics, characterized by the end of the Cold War and the rise of the United States as a single su...