Episode 03137回应 1600x1021 Episode 01113回应 1600x1067 Episode 0278回应 1600x1067 Episode 0319回应 1600x1067 Episode 0256回应 1600x1067 Episode 0215回应 1067x1600 Episode 0343回应 1600x1067 Episode 0336回应 1600x1067 Episode 0397回应 1600x1067 ...
Black Mirror — Season 3, Episode 1 What to Know Critics Consensus Behind her pink and perky façade, Lacie becomes obsessed with social media status in "Nosedive," an episode that demonstrates the dangers of society's need for approval but does so with a perfect dose of humor. ...
La division télévisuelle de Framestore est fière d’avoir collaboré à la série culte de Netflix, Black Mirror.
Black Mirror冒时代之大不韦,欣然为后者举起了螳臂。Season 1的三个故事,叙事手法各异,所展示的科技世界令人目眩,风格却不似新鲜事物给人耳目一新般的清新明亮,反倒是光束帝国操控下人性泯然的沉重压抑。在大型晶体管逐渐掌握着人们生活节奏的时代,就有无数Fictioner惊呼一个钢铁机器统治血肉之躯的世界即将到来,殊...
Black Mirror: Criado por Charlie Brooker. Com Wunmi Mosaku, Monica Dolan, Daniel Lapaine, Hannah John-Kamen. Uma série de antologias explora um mundo de alta tecnologia, onde as maiores inovações da humanidade e os instintos mais sombrios colidem.
Black Mirror: Created by Charlie Brooker. With Wunmi Mosaku, Monica Dolan, Daniel Lapaine, Hannah John-Kamen. Featuring stand-alone dramas -- sharp, suspenseful, satirical tales that explore techno-paranoia -- "Black Mirror" is a contemporary reworking o
Black Mirror: Criado por Charlie Brooker. Com Wunmi Mosaku, Monica Dolan, Daniel Lapaine, Hannah John-Kamen. Uma série de antologias explora um mundo de alta tecnologia, onde as maiores inovações da humanidade e os instintos mais sombrios colidem.
Episode 1:The National Anthem 政治家的苦难在于,拥有众人觊觎以致苛求无比的权力,和无人谅解被迫牺牲自我的义务。所谓殉职,不如谓之以殉权。即便是在推崇民主平等的西式作者笔下,无数政治学社会学著作不约而同地给予政治领袖尽可能多的权力合法性,却似乎为了让这种合法性看起来更像是一种等价交换一般,领袖们总是...
www.xiami.com作者:坂本龍一,专辑/曲目:Black Mirror - episode Smithereens/reverse serviceSmithereens is written by Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker, directed by James Hawes and stars Andrew Scott, Damson Idri, 视频播放量 20、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬