Anotherfantastic beard stylefor people who are just starting or who want to avoid sports with an 8-inch beard is a stubble beard. This is one of the beard styles that creates a lovely and carefree look for black men. All it needs from you – is a few days a week to keep it in sh...
A beard is a stylish and powerful look that can symbolize masculinity, culture and sophistication, transcending an aesthetic and blending into the meaningful. From rugged and long to corporate, black men are embracing their freedom to grow, shape and style their facial hair in ways that make the...
Since there are many beard styles for men from different cultures, you need to consider considering face cut and skin tone when selecting the perfect beard style. However, all these African American beard styles below will definitely help you in choosing the right one to fit your personality. T...
63. Fohawk with a chinstrap Fohawks is one of really fabulous black men hairstyles that look great on their own. However, adding a fashionable beard will only bring a modern tweak to the look. Don’t be afraid to experiment. You will surely like it!Save 64. Curly short mohawk Mohawks ...