Man on Fire Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Christopher Walken 52 votes Man on Fire, an intense action thriller from director Tony Scott, places Denzel Washington at the center of the action as John Creasy, a former CIA operative turned bodyguard who embarks on a desperate quest for vengeanc...
The mastermind behind Britain’s black sexual propaganda was Sefton Delmer, an Austrian expatriate who invented and played with great relish a tough Prussian character known as ‘Der Chef.’ Night after night he took to the airwaves to condemn the depravity and corruption of the Nazis. His scrip...
Tenable has been revolutionizing how organizations protect networks since 2002 when two founders combined break-through thinking: Ron Gula who invented Dragon, the first commercial Intrusion Detection System, and Renaud Deraison, who invented the most widely used vulnerability scanner: Nessus. Marcus Ranu...
发明了我们的人 The man who invented us. 我们的一切成就都是因为他 Everything weve accomplished is because of him. 你怎么了 从自行车上摔了 What happened to you? You fall off your bike? 记得这个吗 Remember this? 我和当代维塔斯的沃尔特·赛克斯聊过了 I had a little chat with Walter Sykes ...
Barack Obama:Barack Obama became the first black man to have been elected President of the United States on November 4, 2008. He served for two terms, and although he is no longer in office, Obama continues to help others and work to make America a better place. ...
How do you say "light" in Spanish? How do you say "lizard" in Spanish? How do you say "look" in Spanish? How do you say "man" in Spanish? How do you say "meat" in Spanish? How do you say "monkey" in Spanish? How do you say "no" in Spanish? How do you say "notebook...
“big Black man appeared to me and told me what to mix up for my hair. Some of the remedy was grown in Africa, but I sent for it, put it on my scalp, and in a few weeks my hair was coming in faster than it had ever fallen out.” After she shared her formula with some ...
Sometimes the greatest inventionsare those which simplify necessary tasks. Such is the case with Jan Matzeliger – the man who made it possible for ordinary citizens to purchase shoes. Jan Matzeliger was born in Dutch Guiana (now known as Surinam) in South America. His father was a Dutch en...
a White woman named Fannie Taylor makes a claim that a Black man came into her home and attacked her. Believing the attacker to be a Black man named Jesse Hunter, a mob of angry White citizens assembles under the leadership of Fannie's husband, James Taylor, and Levy County Sheriff, Rob...
I seem like a dead man 把棺材盖,缓缓推开 Slowly pushing open the lid of a coffin. — 2 December 2013 Translators’ notes: 1. From the 1990s through the 2000s, dagongzhe referred mainly to migrant wage-laborers from rural areas, often working in precarious employment positions, as opposed ...