So for a while now I’ve been using a rotation as BLM that is different from the standard fire spam. It is a set of six rotations organized by a priority system (e.g. rotation 1 is performed if possible, rotation 2 is performed if rotation 1 cannot be performed, rotation 3 is perfo...
Black Mage Gearsets (BiS) This section covers the endgame best-in-slot gear sets for Black Mage in different endgame content. The gear sets are made by calculating the average DPS output of the rotation with a given stat set and comparing it to other options. If you are interested in m...
<Category:Black Mage Legs iLevel Listings (100s) iLevel 0-9 iLevel 10-49 iLevel 50-99 iLevel 100-199 iLevel 200-299 iLevel 300-399 iLevel 400-499 iLevel 500-599 iLevel 600-699 iLevel 700-799 Filtered to show items with bonuses to one or more of the following:Intelligence,Spell...
<Category:Black Mage Feet Pages in category "Black Mage Feet/iLevel 1-99" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 426 total. next page E Eaglebeak Boots Eaglewing Boots Eastern Journey Shoes Eastern Lady Errant's Boots ...
Sanders has been spotted in Eorzea in a trailer for the upcoming KFC andFFXIVcollaboration. The trailer, which you can watch on the officialKFC Twitter account, shows Colonel Sanders standing near La Noscea and staring out at it contemplatively. It looks like Colonel Sanders is a Black Mage ...
← Black Mage Bracelets/iLevel 400-409Black Mage Bracelets/iLevel 430-439 → Rebuild Lists Filtered to show items with bonuses to one or more of the following:Intelligence,Spell Speed,Direct Hit Rate,Determination,Piety,Critical Hit. To see all items in this category look atCategory:Bracelets/...
News Reviews Wikis FFXIV Guides Podcasts Leaderboard Store Main Page Getting Started Game Basics Items Quests Duties Activities Logs Almanac Contribute Category Discussion Edit History Talk Contributions User page Category:Black Mage Body/iLevel 0-9 < Category:Black Mage Body...
<Category:Black Mage Necklace iLevel Listings (100s) iLevel 0-9 iLevel 10-49 iLevel 50-99 iLevel 100-199 iLevel 200-299 iLevel 300-399 iLevel 400-499 iLevel 500-599 iLevel 600-699 iLevel 700-799 Filtered to show items with bonuses to one or more of the following:Intelligence,Sp...
Anthony is an avid MMO gamer since childhood, with experience in all different kinds of games. From FFXIV as a Red Mage specialist, to Lost Ark as a Gunlancer, you can always find them (probably) getting way too greedy with mechanics and wondering how they wiped the group ...