Plusieurs milliers de personnes se sont réunies samedi 13 juin à Paris. D’autres rassemblements se sont tenus à travers la France comme à Marseille, au départ du Vieux-Port à Montpellier place de la Comédie ou encore à Nantes place du Bouffay. À Bordeaux, environ 500 personnes...
but subtly, unconsciously emanating erotica. Later, when her all consuming passion for the count takes over, I see her succumbing instead to an overdose of Tabac Rose: a devouringly sweet, thick, rich and chocolatey Bulgarian rose that really seized my attention at Yokohama Nose Shop...
Il m’a surpris en ajoutant que les manifestations dans la rue sont la voie la plus acceptable de protester et qu’il comprend d’où vient la colère. Mais il ajoute : « Si vous pensez qu’il n’y a que des pommes pourries dans les services de police, pourquoi les provoquer?
I am a child of the 70’s but a teenager of the 80’s. The fragrances of the Seventies were more elegant and refined, or else louche and scuzzy : the Eighties were more fun. Vibrant. Bold and brassy; saturated in colour, not nuance, and Frenchje ne sais pourquoi. They were like g...
I am a child of the 70’s but a teenager of the 80’s. The fragrances of the Seventies were more elegant and refined, or else louche and scuzzy : the Eighties were more fun. Vibrant. Bold and brassy; saturated in colour, not nuance, and Frenchje ne sais pourquoi. They were like ...