Black Lives Matter 延烧全美,3个政治运动单词 美国明尼苏达州5月底发生了非裔男子佛洛依德(George Floyd)遭警察押颈致死的案件,促成Black Lives Matter(黑人的命也是命)维权运动。不仅民众上街游行抗议,Google、IBM和可口可乐等企业也透过不再使用「Blacklist」一词、停止开发人脸辨识技术和不在社群媒体上投放广告...
与此同时,时装业正以各种可能的方式加紧支持Black Lives Matter(黑人生命同样重要)运动。 就在几年前,时尚界的许多人还本能地完全忽视有争议的话题,包括警察暴行和种族不公正。但随着年轻消费者要求他们热爱的品牌分享他们的价值观,这让品牌在政治立场上变得更加困难。 Colin Kaepernick 自2018年签下前NFL球员科林·凯...
Black Lives Matter NFL Iron on Transfers MBL Iron on Transfers US Related Sport Iron on Transfers Juneteenth Iron On Transfers Nailhead laser Transfer Kids Iron on Transfers Animal Cartoon Iron On Transfers Orther Iron on Transfers Price Any Price > USD 0 - 3 USD 3 - 5 USD 5 - 10 USD...
品牌公开发声 #BlackLivesMatter 黑人George Floyd跪死事件发生后,各大品牌、名人与有影响力的人都通过各大社交媒体渠道支持黑人群体与#BlackLivesMatter(黑人的命同等重要)活动。 时至今日,品牌很难回避社会问题的重要性,尽量避免过度商业化,免得得到“蹭热点”的评价。 尤其是注重全球传播营销的品牌,当面临黑人的命...
A Black Lives Matter co-founder said none of the protesters posed any danger to anyone and there was no need to arrest or charge them 304 Comments July 18, 2020Canada Reports: NFL to play 'Black national anthem' in Week 1 The song was written as a poem in 1899 by future NAACP leader...
By Daniel Canova Published June 27, 2020 6:14pm EDT NFL FOX News article File photo shows a San Francisco 49ers helmet. SANTA CLARA, Calif. - The San Francisco 49ers will fly a “Black Lives Matter” flag at Levi’s Stadium as the franchise continues its support of the fight against ...
players, would like to hear you state: We, the National Football League, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of black people. We, the National Football League, admit wrong in silencing our players from peacefully protesting. We, the National Football League, believe black lives matter."...
NBA players had until June 24 to “opt out” of the restart plan without risk of fines or other disciplinary action. NFL ENCOURAGES PLAYERS TO 'PEACEFULLY PROTEST' Last Saturday, the NBA released a 60-second public service announcement with the title “The Truth is #BlackLivesMatter.” The ...
You can tell this by looking at some of the protests going on in the united states such as the Black Lives Matter and the NFL players kneeling during the national anthem. The main principle the United States is not upholding well is,“All men are created equal.” The reason I stated ...
Now, Goodell has announced, he is with Black Lives Matter. Roger Goodell, NFL Commissioner: We at the National Football League admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest. We at the National Footba...