Filming was primarily shot in to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The film originally aired on August 6, 2004, receiving a TV rating of TV-PG for language. It is available on DVD, where it is distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment and is rated PG-13 for some brief language and thematic ...
The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement may have been the biggest movement in U.S. history, with protests cropping up all over the world—including all 10 provinces and three territories of Canada. Taylor McNallie is a familiar face in the BLM movement here in Calgary. Born in Saskatoon and...
Waid’s story slowly reveals why Black Widow has betrayed S.H.I.E.L.D., as a blackmailer uses her sordid past against her. But he soon learns that Natasha has been playing this game for a very long time — and backing her into a corner was very, very bad idea. Geis: A Matter o...
Melvin Crump on 8th Avenue, Calgary, Alberta, ca. 1940, (CU1117465). Photograph:Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary. There is a coded language to this conversation. It is implicit, organic and almost impossible to understand without having lived ...
Living in Edmonton for the last twenty years MacFacyden is a journalist, artist, and poet with two collections to her name,White ShirtandKissing Keeps Us Afloat, both published by Frontenac House, a queer friendly press based out of Calgary. ...
I mean, e-meeting you I guess, because yeah, I was really excited to meet you at VegFest Calgary and it didn’t work out but yeah, this is just fantastic. For anyone who’s new or who doesn’t know who Christopher is, Christopher Sebastian is a super-rad anti-oppressive anti-...
Those who hate all things “woke” are targeting the wrong enemy. They attack trans people, Justin Trudeau, Black Lives Matter and anything related to diversity, equality and inclusion but they rarely, if ever, mention the entities that have done way more to mess up their lives – and restr...
Chris Brown is dangerous, an agent of deep deception and no laughing matter to the struggling masses of people. It appears that Chris had to go to SUNKRN PLACE for a while to reinforce his clandestine CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Occult Bureau programming, and his PACT WITH THE DEVIL. Spawn ...
“The whole wide world know we’re(Muddy Waters and Mick Jagger)here“. There is a clear lack of evidence thatMuddy Waterswas aFreemason. However, it was made plain and apparent that they belong to a brotherhood that could only be ofDemonsand theDEVIL. When you talk about“Muddy Waters”...
BLM tax filings reveal co-founder family members received more money than Trayvon Martin Foundation 660 Comments News Calgary tenured professor critical of Black Lives Matter has been fired 519 Comments Canada Jamaica to seek compensation from Britain over slave trade 42 Comments World Latest...