I don’t think so. Iknow my brain. And I respect it. I was born with what I was born with. In Japan the crushingly prevalent idea is that if you try hard enough, you can do anything. I don’t agree. I actuallyhatethat ‘Impossible is nothing’ bullshit. While mind over matter, ...
is the freakish oceanic High Tide, which in my own body produced that repelled but wide-eyed (because genuinely new ideas are always, no matter your primal emotional responses to them, stimulating) reaction of ‘wow, what isthat’ –Persolaise agreed with me as well, this ...
My companion for the morning was Catherine, a perfume lover like no other (this woman trulylivesfor perfume – I have never known anyone else quite comparable – she lives and breathes the stuff). We met at the station – or rather Iretrievedher from one of the labyrinthine exits – so ...
1. I do truly believe the doctrines of each scripture were written by humans, not the direct word of any particular divine being: hugely influenced by history, contingent events, bias and pragmatism, they should thus not ever be taken as actual, literal, gospel, no matter how divine the po...
- the minimal use of background music, which my cold heart rejects after a while no matter how tragic the story: I am simply too musically and cranially sensitive to endure too many overwrought strings or pianeggios ripping off the dreaded score of The Hours: ::: here, the pain was ...
breathing through my mask and get through the days. It is terrifying. But somehow I am weirdly resigned to my fate, almost as though I have lost agency and the autonomy I always pride myself on having no matter what. These last two days I have been battling with extreme burn out – ...
HISTORIQUES LESS IS MORE Let's face it: I am not a natural smart phone user Let us never let our sensitivities be trampled upon LIFE AND DEATH Life Changes LIFE CHANGING MOMENTS Like A Prayer Like A Virgin lilac Lilac Path LILA DAS GUPTA Lily of the Valley LILY PERFUMES Lime Limon Verde...
Burning Bush, a creature from my imagination made flesh by my person ( see above ), an occasional entity I find quite necessary to embody in these dumb, fascistic times (no matter how ‘horrifying’ some of my old friends and family may find it), performed at a Tokyo cabaret this last...
an instant reaction ofhai, this hasfukami,depth, and definitefuinki-(atmosphere): she could feel the history and the stories rising up from it from one inhalation and I love it when certain perfumes gain such a reaction, suggesting their intrinsic appeal and beauty, no matter that they are...
which I wore at the weekend and found intriguingly ambiguous, calming, reserved, and sensual in its blend of velveted base notes and high quality flowers. It is quite beautiful. I just need a little more mystery or non-obviousness to my perfumes, somethingbeyond, no matter how high quality...