This free Lightroom preset adds a touch of contrast that can be difficult to achieve manually. With a single click, your photos will stand out and grab the viewer’s attention. Say goodbye to flat, dull images and hello to a dynamic and exciting look. Dramatic Black & White Presets ...
Lightroom 5 and Lightroom 6/Lightroom CC 2015. Operating systems Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and later Windows 7 and later Issue 2: Blank image previews in the Import window In the Import window, all the image previews are displayed as blank when you're trying to import images into Light...
when I import them into Lightroom 6.4 on my imac 10.11.3 this images import as expected in black and white but when I go to library module the preview boxes start to change from black and white to color? it does this for every single i...
12 个用于摄影的 Lightroom 预设这些预设经过测试和调整,可为各种图像提供良好的效果。专业黑白滤镜照片处理LR预设非常适合摄影师和平面设计师。 所有这些都是通过精确的校准调整和干净的排列创建的,使用强大的工具和专业的方法使您的图像栩栩如生。
7款丰富黑白色调照片滤镜Lightroom预设旨在改善处理和编辑黑白风格照片的工作流程。 深沉而丰富的效果,令人赞叹的音量。 受到原始模拟胶片的启发,例如:柯达TRI-X,爱克发Scala,富士Neopan,柯达BW等。预设已在不同的照片上进行了测试,效果很好。 兼容MAC和PC 适用于任
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom has everything you need toconvert color imagesinto black and white and perfect your photos so they become fine art. If you shoot in color, you can adjust each color channel separately before you go black and white. You’ll have more options when it comes to adjust...
Lightroom 通过专业摄影人士和教育工作者的教程、帖子和提示,为每个人提供灵感,帮助他们成为更优秀的摄影师。
素材说明 现代时刻的单色愿景。包装里有什么东西? - 8 x B & W Lightroom 预设 - 6 x 受电影启发的图像边框,以各种纵横比提供。 - 提供4个具有不同强度和纹理的胶片颗粒Lightroom预设。 - 1 x 30 分钟的视频 - 编辑教程...
In ordinary room-temperature physics a low-entropy crystalline solid (solute) dissolves into a high-entropy liquid (solvent), in the process called solvation. We propose that the massive increase in the entropy during the gravitational collapse is a physical process analogous to solvation, where the...
Lightroom 通过专业摄影人士和教育工作者的教程、帖子和提示,为每个人提供灵感,帮助他们成为更优秀的摄影师。