, 1973]. In the light of Hawking's result, the Bekenstein entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole is (7)S=kc3A4ℏG where A is the area of the black-hole surface. Hawking's beautiful result is not directly connected to quantum gravity— it is a skillful application of QFT in curved ...
Falls, K., Litim, D. F., & Raghuraman, A. (2012b). Black holes and asymptotically safe gravity. International Journal of Modern Physics. A27:1250019.K. Falls, Daniel F. Litim, and Aarti Raghuraman. Black Holes and Asymptotically Safe Gravity. Int. J. Mod. Phys., A27:1250019, ...
(7)S=kc3A4ℏG whereAis the area of the black-hole surface. Hawking's beautiful result is not directly connected toquantum gravity— it is a skillful application ofQFTincurved spacetime, namely QFT interacting with a fixed, non quantized,gravitational field— but has a very strong impact on...
There are other Lucas connections too. One of Lucas’ children took guitar lessons at the shop. And many employees at Lucasfilm’s Industrial Light & Magic, the Marin County special-effects company founded by Lucas, have stopped by the store for decades to buy instruments for movie props, re...
At their surface, known as the event horizon, gravity is so strong that not even light can escape. Usually, black holes are silent objects that swallow anything that falls too closely to them; however, when two black holes collide and merge, they produce one of the most catastrophic events...
2. Section 3 is devoted to studying the dynamics of charged test particles around the black hole in EMS theory. Synchrotron radiation of charged particles around EMS black hole is studied in Sect. 4. The electric Penrose process around a charged black hole in EMS gravity has been explored in...
(3/4<n<5/4\), the light ray will bend around the black hole and falls on the back of the accretion disk (See blue lines in Fig.9). The light will pick up the additional brightness from the second crossing between the light and the accretion flow on thin disk. For\(n>5/4\),...
Black holesharbor so much gravity that not even light can escape — because they're almost unimaginably dense, massive objects. The more mass an object has, the stronger its gravitational pull. If Earth was (hypothetically)crushed into a black hole, it would be under an inch across. So yo...
http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/mod_tech/node61.htmlNext: Questions Up: Gravity Previous: Gravity as Curved Space: #160#160 Black Holes Einstein’s special theory of relativity states, however, that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, which is: c = 3 x 108m/s If a star, ...
3 Investigating the impact of hairy parameters on the destruction of the event horizon through test particles To investigate whether the hairy Kerr black hole can be overspun using test particles, we need to examine the following conditions: first, whether the test particles can fall into the eve...