According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2020, released by the World Economic Forum, while there has been a significant rise in interest and adoption of technologies such as cloud computing, data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI); female workers only make up an estimated 26% of workers...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Our rescue dog is a black mostly lab because that’s the color that showed up. She kind of found us. I did always want a yellow lab, however, so that’s what I picked for my second dog. For border collies, I am partial to the “classic” b&w with symmetrical blaze & collar, a...
Most dynamic or static analyzers are developed to support native/pure JavaScript which actually is a problem for most developers since the introductions and wide-adoption for JavaScript frameworks/libraries like jQuery, YUI etc. Since these scanners are designed to support pure JavaScript, they fail ...
Most dynamic or static analyzers are developed to support native/pure JavaScript which actually is a problem for most developers since the introductions and wide-adoption for JavaScript frameworks/libraries like jQuery, YUI etc. Since these scanners are designed to support pure JavaScript, they fail ...
As I have mentioned elsewhere,we are getting a service dog for my daughter. The process starts with choosing a suitable puppy which then has to go into training. Yesterday we went to the breeder to complete the adoption process. My daughter had done her research, found a breeder not to fa...
Judi and her infant brother Robert were sent to live with their grandparents, while two older siblings were placed for adoption. It was all downhill from there, in terms of Judis family life. Reunited with her father in Roswell, New Mexico, after his next marriage, she found herself the ...