The genius scientist and Super Villain known as the Black Knight serves only himself, using all his intelligence for criminal acts.
Black Knight Nephew of the villainous Nathan Garrett known as the Black Knight, Dane Whitman stands at his uncle’s side as he lay dying from a battle. With his last words, his uncle bid Dane to restore the honor of the Black Knight legacy. ...
Marvel Universe Other Aliases The Pendragon, Gann Josin, Eobar Garrington Education Master's degree in physics, incomplete doctoral work Place of Origin Gloucester, Massachusetts Identity Publicly known Known Relatives Nathan Garrett(Black Knight, uncle, deceased);Sir Percy of Scandia, Sir Raston, Eo...
Black Knight Iban Coello Variant The Black Knight is a mantle passed down to those who inherit the Ebony Blade. This cursed weapon has the ability to absorb any energy, and even souls, to gain power. It is nearly indestructible and has a healing factor. The blade is even strong enough ...
Browse the Marvel comic series Black Knight: Exodus (1996). Check out individual issues, and find out how to read them!
The Black Knight's principal weapon was his atomic-powered Power Lance, which was rigged with a number of offensive technological devices. Thermal Beam: The lance could emit an acetylene-based heat beam intense enough to melt through a two-foot thick ste
Decades later, Marvel brought the Black Knight into their present-day timeline when they revealed Sir Percy's descendants had inherited the Ebony Blade. The best known Black Knight, and the one who serves alongside the Avengers today, is Dane Whitman; a scientist who found himself drawn into ...
King in Black Aftermath - Written by Simon Spurrier. Art by Sergio Davila. Cover by Iban Coello. THE GREATEST KNIGHT OF THEM ALL RIDES AGAIN! Dane Whi...
【睡大】蒂娜|Thena|Marvel Super War 睡大Sleepy 9426 48 《漫威超级战争》这一脚下去你可能会死!想稳定上分就必须入手这英雄!【黑骑士】Black Knight 睡大Sleepy 9070 72 《漫威超级战争》游戏才刚开始!队友手机就被妈妈给收走!【睡大】Marvel Super War 睡大Sleepy 6483 70 《漫威超级战争》►完美...
Marvel hadn't finished designing his costume yet. That's naturally led to intense speculation over just how Blade is connected to Black Knight in the MCU; the two have worked together in theBritish spy organization MI-13before now in the comics, but this clearly seems to be a historic conn...