English Chinese Dictionary B black English Chinese Dictionary - blackin Chinese: 1. 黑色 Chinese word "black"(黑色) occurs in sets: e unit 8 chinese Ultimate Mandarin Vocabulary Colors 颜色 yán sè 2. 黑 天快黑了。/ 他的心真黑!/ 黑手党。
More words that mean black in Chinese mò ( 墨 ), qīng ( 青 ) More words that mean dark in Chinese àimèi ( 暧昧 ), àn ( 暗 ), hēiàn ( 黑暗 ), shēn ( 深 ) Report missing or erroneous translation of hei in English Contact us! We always appreciate good suggestions and he...
+ Add translation English-Chinese dictionary 美国黑人 noun Second, younger black Americans, who often have different views and experiences from their older counterparts, are increasingly being elected. 其次,比较年轻的美国黑人往往与老一代的观点和经验不同,当选人数正在增长。 Open Multilingual Word...
The classic Chinese rendition, known as a spring roll, is long and thin, wrapped in a lacy, delicate skin, stuffed with a blend of shredded pork, shrimp,Chinese black mushroomsand bean sprouts, then deep-fried.— Nina Simonds,New York Times,7 May 1986 Fresh shiitakes are just becoming wid...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments ...
I estimated, and every sheep with ablackface and a white body, so that the general effect was not unlike seeing a big bin of black-eyed peas. The Chinese raise immense numbers of long-eared black hogs, too, and drive them to market loose in the same way that they drive their sheep....
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2025 black•board(blak′bôrd′, -bōrd′),USA pronunciationn. a sheet of smooth, hard material, esp. dark slate, used in schools, lecture rooms, etc., for writing or drawing on with chalk. Also calledchalkboard.Cf....
for the whole word. Makes a great writing shortcut and was an intuitive way to create the world’s first written words, but if you have a written language that’s entirely pictograph based, like, say, chinese, thenyou have a different letter to learn forevery single wordin the language...
(a lot! XD) and looking whenever I thought she might have done something interesting in the game, or to go with it. I think that’s pretty good. I didn’t always like it when that dude joined in, since I came to listen to HER, nothim, but hey. All in all, I think she’s ...
( c )5. The black word “unhappy”rmeansin Chinese. A.很高兴 B.很和蔼 C.不高兴 D.不理解 答案 答案见上 结果二 题目 )5. The black word “unhappy”rmeansin Chinese. A.很高兴 B.很和蔼 C.不高兴 D.不理解 答案 ( c )5. The black word “unhappy”rmeansin Chinese.A.很高兴B....