Boyz n the Hood Laurence Fishburne, Ice Cube, Cuba Gooding 170 votes Boyz n the Hood, a seminal thriller directed by John Singleton, chronicles the lives of three young African American men facing the harsh realities of gang violence and systemic racism in South Central Los Angeles. The ta...
Spike Lee’s first movie under his new Netflix deal is a modern masterpiece. Simultaneously about the stasis of the movement for Black justice and the enduring villainy of the Vietnam War,Da 5 Bloodsbounces between eras to illuminate how little has changed in 40 years. The film follows four...
Love a good buddy cop movie? Then you'll love Ride Along, which follows a security guard (Kevin Hart) as he attempts to prove to his girlfriend's police officer brother (Ice Cube) that he's worthy of marrying her. Oh, and he also gets involved in the brother's hunt for a dangerou...
Calvin (Ice... [More] Starring: Ice Cube, Anthony Anderson, Cedric the Entertainer, Sean Patrick Thomas Directed By: Tim Story Drumline 82% #140 Critics Consensus: Essentially a sports movie with drums, the energetic Drumline somehow manages to make the familiar seem fresh. Synopsis: ...
Choky Ice Mercenary (as Csoky Ice) The Private Gladiator(2002) Freddy Dalton Actor Die Blaue Stunde(2003) Thomas Stone Actor Beyond the Frame(2024) Monique Covet Actress (as Monique Covét) Barbi in the imperfect world(2023) Sussi la Cour Dollenz ...
Ice Cold Actor 2 Candy Monroe(2008) Flash Brown Actor 2 The Altar of Aphrodite(2017) Charlee Chase Actress 2 Party with Jerky Sluts(2015) Jack Napier Actor 2 Housewives Gone Black(2005) Samantha Faye Actress 2 Please Dominate Me Boss Mommy(2018) ...
In her 2023 memoir The Woman in Me, Spears discussed one of her best album tracks. “When I recorded ‘Hot as Ice,’ I walked into the studio and there were six gigantic guys in the room with me, sitting there,” she said. “That was probably one of the most spiritual recording ...
Red Water (2003) Not exactly a shining achievement for black roles — or any roles, for that matter — Red Water is a by-the-books, made-for-TV killer shark movie. C-grade horror mainstay Coolio is main bad guy Ice, a stereotypical thug who works for stereotypical Caribbean drug kingpi...
MOVIE REACTION! First Time Watching!! (2023) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NOT YET RELEASED Seen 578. Tenacious D: JB's BJ (2001) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NOT YET RELEASED Seen 579. The Sheik (2014) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NOT YET RELEASED Seen 580. The Tonight ...
any kind of screen adaptation or official merchandising of the characters is something that Watterson has always been vehemently opposed to. While it’s more than likely that an actual TV or movie adaptation, whether live-action or animated, will never see the light of day, that certainly ...