Scientists Close In on Creating Black Hole in LabRon CowenNature magazine
Well, not a black hole in the common sense. Not a star-gobbling pit in the fabric of space-time. Rousseaux’s experiment at the Institut Pprime in Poitiers, France, is a physical model of how the immense gravity of black holes can suck in waves – conventionally light w...
A spinning black hole gives rise to a strange effect called frame-dragging. In this effect, space and time close to the black hole are actually dragged around with it. Space drags so intensely that it is not possible to move in the opposite direction. It’s an infinite regression of disto...
The giant black hole TON 619 dominates this graphic. On right: Also in orange, the supermassive black hole in the galaxy M87.Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab The mass of thebiggest black holesis unimaginable. ...
BLACK HOLES IN A PERIODIC UNIVERSE A.R. BOGOJEVIĆ Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen 2100, DenmarkL. PERIVOLAROPOULOS Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA Received: 30 November 1990 Schwarzschild-like black hole solutions corresponding to periodic univer...
A form of radiation believed to emanate from black holes, arising from the creation of pairs of subatomic particles in the space adjacent to the black hole, with one particle falling into the black hole and the other radiating away. The energy lost to such radiated particles is believed to ...
"Normally, it seems that galaxies with lighter black hole pairs have enough stars and mass to drive the two together quickly," Roger Romani, a member of the team and physics professor at Stanford University, said in astatement. "Since this pair is so heavy, it required lots of stars and...
that would mean, in the black hole's accretion disk, conditions become so intense that the plasma in the disk is able to push against the tightly packed magnetic field lines, which can then snap back and push the plasma into a narrow column, almost squirting it away from the black hole....
that would mean, in the black hole's accretion disk, conditions become so intense that the plasma in the disk is able to push against the tightly packed magnetic field lines, which can then snap back and push the plasma into a narrow column, almost squirting it away from the black hole....
A synthetic analog of a black hole could tell us a thing or two about an elusive radiation theoretically emitted by the real thing. Using a chain of atoms in single-file to simulate the event horizon of a black hole, a team of physicists observed the equivalent of what we call Hawking ...