Be sensitive and thoughtful when discussing segregation and racism. Provide students with safe spaces to ask questions and express their thoughts. By using these resources creatively and thoughtfully, we can ensure that our Black History Month lessons are engaging, meaningful, and respectful of the ri...
but most books and articles have emphasised their exotic aspects, and obscured their fundamentally simple nature. Here is a link to some Frequently Asked Questions (and answers!) about black holes. The description given…
but this song strikes me as the one most heavily influenced by IceT & ErnieC. It’s also the answer to a trivia question; being “What is the only song in Sabbath’s history with a guest vocalist”?
The older ones get the joke, and what it realy means, the younger ones not so much, junior doctors it can realy unnerve, consultants tend to nod and ask the real questions straight up knowing you know what answers they need. However it carries a curse, which i...