Celebrate African American culture in the classroom and at home with our collection of free Black History Month Printables.
We’ve been saddened by stories of the slavery era, inspired by stories of the civil rights movement, and stunned by stories of incredible people of whom we’d never heard. Since 1975, Americans have recognized February as Black History Month. During this month we make a special effort to ...
Flip Books are the perfect little activity for your students to be engaged as they learn about various topics from St. Patrick's Day activities to Black History Month activities and more! Students are loving them, and they are as simple as print, fold, and staple! Most...
Elementary age kids from first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 6th grade will have fun learning about thelife cycle of a bearwith a variety of printables covering interestingblack bear facts for kids, information about habitat, hibernating, label the black bear, bear life cycle p...