Black History Month was made "official" in 1976 by President Gerald Ford, as an opportunity "to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history." Of course, the presidential declaration was a culmination of a long fight for the ...
“It’s history, there’s nothing more than being a part of this movement, celebrating her achievements and where we’ve come so far as a country,” said Camille Thelemaque Bearden, 38. Both Bearden and Brittney Barnes, 40, donning an AKA pin on her hat, des...
“We've just seen an explosion of proposed projects in the planning, piloting, demonstration stage across a much wider array of countries,” says Caroline White-Nockleby, a PhD candidate who studiesrenewable energytransitions in MIT’s doctoral program in History and anthropology; and Science, Tec...
which she founded in 2008. She is a professional full-time planner with over 20 years of government, corporate, and wedding planning experience. Denise is a very passionate, joy driven Type A person and loves others who are too!
On February 19, Meg Frank stated that Dave McCarty had been “emotionally abusive, generally manipulative, and has sexually harassed myself and numerous others,” and that they’d previously made code of conduct complaints against him that had failed to gain traction due to his history of commun...
The history of this time is largely anecdotal. Former housing project tenant Joyce Dennis says that her father told her that during the Depression, racial hatred fueled a land war chat raged between Beaumont and Orange; the combatants were the blacks who owned the land, and the whites who ...
In Rome, theCult of Cybelecontinued unmolested. ThisBlood Culthas nothing to do withAset (Isis) of Kemet. She may be a very old and an ancient variant ofAset. But,Cybelegrew into her own European distinct identity and character separate and apart of her in human history. TheCult of Cybe...
), I createdThe Black Film Critic Syllabus. There are two ways to understand that title: It is a resource curated for Black film lovers and critics and/or for anyone who’d like to find new ways to approach so-called Black cinema. The Syllabus is the culmination of years of reading ...
But the work as a whole continued to come forth in installments, revealing a broad vision of history and Christianity. Marcellinus, a devout layman, also played a part in the the last great controversy of Augustine's life. One of the refugees from Rome had been an unassuming preacher ...
In spring of 1981 I enlisted in the United States Air Force. That was the culmination of a series of events, and the beginning of another series. First, some background. I grew up in a “broken home.” My parents separated when I was about three. Some time after that, my mother rem...