Maya Angelou rose above significant childhood trauma to become one of the most influential voices in U.S. history. This moving narrative and the accompanying timeline do a fantastic job bringing her to life for students. Pair this withChange Sings: A Children’s Anthemby Amanda Gorman, to intr...
In Meltzer’s signature style, he talks directly to children in this engaging first-person biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Like all of Meltzer’s books, the illustrations are unique: King is illustrated as a miniature version of his adult self on every page, even as a young chil...
Books for children celebrate black history.Spratling, Cassandra
but little context around the "hard history," as Black educator Rann Miller calls it, of the Black experience. "I was told of Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, and Frederick Douglass. I heard very little
July 2017June 2017May 2017April 2017March 2017February 2017January 2017December 2016November 2016October 2016September 2016August 2016July 2016June 2016May 2016April 2016March 2016February 2016January 2016December 2015November 2015October 2015September 2015August 2015July 2015June 2015...
This video articulates why representation matters in children’s literature, showcasing three excellent children’s books about joyful, self-determined, and unique Black protagonists. Originally created for Black History Month, this video can be used year-round to help teachers, childcare providers, ...
Children 6 through 8 can watch animated videos about Black people whose accomplishments secured them a place in the history books. For example, check out scientist and inventorGeorge Washington Carver, who invented more than 300 products from peanuts, and writerZora Neale Hurston, whosework ex...
For older readers, Claudia Whitsitt’s “Between the Lines” serves as an amazing novel to teach older children about Black History Month. “Between the Lines” centers around three girls of different races who become friends amidst the turmoil following the Detroit Riots in 1967. A story of ...
Let’s be honest. Talking about diversity isn’t always easy, especially when that discussion is with young children. But luckily, there are many books for kidsandadults that teach powerful black history subjects in colorful and enlightening ways. Here is some of the best Black history reading...
Well, frequently the achievements of black Americans are left out of history books. The recent #1movieandbookHidden Figuresillustrates this. The story is about black women who worked at NASA who were instrumental in getting men on the moon for the first time. But prior to this movie, released...