So the usual meme that "the dual field theory lives at the asymptotic boundary" could be replaced by the statement "the dual field theory lives at the horizon", without changing any of the formulas. Which of these interpretations (if any) is more suitable depends on the precise context and...
atnhde hpilguhmaeeroofsosml oopktiecaisl dtreapntshp, owrtheidchbiys asiormtoewhoawrdisgtnhoerpedlafcreosmthtahteabrelalcikttlceaarbwoanyefmroimssitohneipnlvaenntt(o~r3ykinmI)n, deiap.eSnimdiinlagruhpigohn BthCe cwoinncdesntsroatlioown wBCascaolnsocernetproarttioedn fworascooablsfieerlv...
44.2.2..BBCCMMeaeasusurermemenetnftrofrmomExEhxahuasut st IIttaappppeeaarrss tthhaatt tthhee mmeetthhooddss ffoorr ddeetteeccttiinngg BBCC ((oorr EECC)) eemmiissssiioonnss ffrroomm sshhiippss aarreemmoorree ddiifffificcuulltttthhaannPPMMss,,ssoorreegguullaattiioonnssffoorrBBCCeemmiis...
Interestingly, high CWT-BC concen- tration from the region of western Bohai Sea could be partly explained by considerable contribution by the ship emissions sector [73]. This is consistent with wind analysis for BC during the two seasons of winter and fall, which showed relatively high ...
The models are sorted by deviance explained and AIC. The models and covariates including a diurnal pattern are indicated with †. The simulations were performed for two sets of models. The first set includes the GPS-based relative speed and the acceleration (prefix BC), and the second set ...