1.在扩展商店里搜索Black Formatter,安装并全局启用 2.shift+ctrl+p打开用户设置setting.json 3.在最后加入 "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.black-formatter", "black-formatter.args": [ "--skip-string-normalization" ], "editor.formatOnSave": true 分别是启用black formatter,取消格式化为双引号包裹...
配置信息如下: Name:工具名称,用户自定义,建议与Blcak相关的名称,例如:Black Formatter Program:选择自己电脑中刚才安装black.exe的位置,例如:【C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Scripts\black.exe】 Arguments:固定填写【$FilePath$】,后面可以跟参数,例如设置最大行宽:--line-length=79Work...
pythontestingdeveloper-toolspython-3black-formatter UpdatedSep 10, 2024 Python shafayetShafee/black-formatter Star7 Code Issues Pull requests A Quarto filter to format the python code using black code formatter pythonblackquartoblack-formatterquarto-extensionquarto-filter ...
ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md: Add mention of online formatter (psf#481) Aug 27, 2018 blib2to3 Move tokenizer config onto grammar, rename flag May 9, 2019 docs ambv/black -> python/black (psf#819) May 3, 2019 plugin Use g:pymode_python-defined interpreter if defined and exists, otherw… May ...
直接在 VSCode 的插件市场搜索 Ruff(charliermarsh.ruff) 和 Black(ms-python.black-formatter) 即可,这两个插件都自带了对应的 Linter 和 Formatter,也就是说你不需要在你的项目中安装任何依赖。 配置 根据PEP518,python 项目的配置推荐放到项目根目录pyproject.toml 文件中,而 Black 和 Ruff 都支持从这个文件中...
python3 -m black --check --preview --line-length=120 . 我收到此错误: would reformat /Users/a/model.py would reformat /Users/a/test.py Oh no! 💥 💔 💥 2 files would be reformatted, 193 files would be left unchanged. 但我不知道应该如何更改这两个文件以使黑色格式化程序运行没有...
and docformatter. I'm usingPython 3.12.0. I don't care for my linter to point out when I stray from the certain dictates in thePEP 8document, and my linter choices reflect that. You might have different needs and ...
Black is a Python code formatter that automatically reformats Python code according to a predefined set of rules. It follows the philosophy of “uncompromisingly strict” formatting, which means that it enforces a specific style and does not allow any configuration options. The idea behind Black ...
"python.formatting.provider":"black","editor.formatOnSave":true, 请记住,可能有 2 个 setting.json 文件:一个在您的主目录中,一个在您的项目中(.vscode/settings.json)。以项目内的为准。 也就是说,这类问题通常与使用未安装 black 的 python 解释器有关。我建议使用虚拟环境,但首先要检查状态栏上的 ...