Coon Charlie Chaplin Charlotte NC Chatman chattel lien chattel mortgage chattel slavery chauffeur cheerleader chef chemical warfare Cherry chicken stew chief surgeon child abuse childbirth child custody child evangelist child labor child mortality child neglect child prodigy Children children's games chinaberry...
The Black Dispatch(Oklahoma City, Okla.), 13 June 1935. Of course, I went looking to find out what theDaily Timeshad to say about this. Not a whole lot. Onpage 4of the 4 June 1935 edition, halfway down a column headlined “Salary Increases Given to County Employees Today”: Wilson ...
My mother was born in the 1920s on acottoncrop-sharing tenant farm in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana under the conditions and badges of human bondage. She often talked about the hard times. Sometimes when she talked about thecotton farm, I could see the fear that still lingered in her heart ...
“According to his successor, Tyler ‘was a man of scholarly attainments, an interesting speaker, and most eloquent preacher.’ There were rumors, however, that Tyler’s wife was leading a scandalous life and had the minister ‘completely under her thumb.’ In any case, he ‘failed to arou...
Wilson Daily Times, 25 August 1944. Once again,Henrietta Ruffinwas recognized for hercanning prowess, here crowned Wilson County champion canner by the Farm Security Administration. Using a pressure cooker obtained via an FSA loan, Ruffin planned to can 800 quarts of fruit, meat, and vegetables ...
Coon Charlie Chaplin Charlotte NC Chatman chattel lien chattel mortgage chattel slavery chauffeur cheerleader chef chemical warfare Cherry chicken stew chief surgeon child abuse childbirth child custody child evangelist child labor child mortality child neglect child prodigy Children children's games chinaberry...