Whenever a crowd was so dense that the people were forced off the causeway, one of these six-feet gentlemen, on a black horse, rode straight at the place, making his horse rear very high, and fall on the thickest spot. You would suppose men were made of sponge ...— The Life and ...
“Corky picked up that this wasn’t going to be the kind of movie where the horse is going to walk in here and do this and that. He could improvise,” says Ballard, crediting Randall for the signature beach scene where boy and horse become friends. “We were just shooting there on th...
other than Cass Ole and Fae-Jur. I was wondering if it is at all possible to find out the names of those two horses, at least the one who raced. I have been trying to find out for ever, but haven’t had much luck. You see, the horse who played the racing scenes is suppos...
you think about this race for the filly’s first start? Do you think this boy will ever make a racehorse, or should we cull him? Saying “we.” If she’d just met him, say at Hollywood Park or Santa Anita, she would have thought he was an ...