Weathersby, Ronald
Free State of Joneschronicles a genuinely interesting moment in American history. During the Civil War, white Southern farmer Newt Knight served in the Confederate Army as a medic. An abolitionist and pacifist, he deserts the war after the death of his nephew. Branded an outlaw and chased into...
When asked about where funding for the settlement currently stands, he said was disappointed with President Barack Obama's administration who made deals with Senator Blanche Lincoln for 1.5 billion dollars in disaster payments to large-scale corporate farmers. Boyd also assures that many black farmers...
He states that Obama played a vital role in reaching out to the leadership of Republican and Democratic parties. He wants to meet Obama to discuss the issues with him.BennettDavidWestern Farm Press
Black Farmer Groups Protest Lack of Settlement to Bias Complaints.Brosnan, James W
Congress passed legislation to settle a class action discrimination lawsuit that has been brought before the government by African American and Native American farmers. The lawsuit claims that African American and Native American farmers were deni...
The Vanishing Black Farmer ; Discrimination Settlement Illumines Mounting DifficultiesWhen Abraham Carpenter scans this fertile black Delta soil, he sees 30 years of hard work.Suzi Parker
Bachmann criticizes black farmer settlementMARGERY A. BECK
Judge pushes for settlement in black farmer lawsuitJANELLE CARTER AP Farm Writer