However, at the height of its success, Chappelle made the unexpected decision to leave the show and retreat from the public eye, citing stress and dissatisfaction with the direction of his career. Despite his hiatus, Chappelle's influence on comedy remained unshaken. He made a triumphant retur...
western, adventure, and fantasy genres, as well as being an Editor and Screenwriter. Bob founded The Private Eye Writers of America in 1981, where he created the Shamus Award. He also co-founded The American Crime Writers League; co-founded Western Fictioneers, and co-created the Peacemaker A...
precisely what appeared in the book. His words were translated from Sauk into English by LeClair and then written down by Patterson. The raw transcripts of these conversations do not survive, but it seems likely that Patterson edited and rearranged the material with an eye to his expected ...
perfect; even the slightly off kilter fish eye lens of a South American director putting his own spin on things so classically British made it all feel slightly odd; renewed, and therefore more real, when so many period dramas, to me, just feel like a trip to the taxidermist’s. When ...
Nosedive: Directed by Joe Wright. With Bryce Dallas Howard, Alice Eve, Cherry Jones, James Norton. A woman desperate to boost her social media score hits the jackpot when she's invited to a swanky wedding, but the trip doesn't go as planned.
Jane Rosenthal and Robert De Niro of Tribeca Productions have become involved as exec producers in the project, which will center on the novels’ protagonist former CIA agent-turned-private eye Jack Morgan. Tribeca’s Berry Welsh will serve as co-executive producer, and Patterson exec produces ...
It might look like I just throw something together every week (and looks aren’t always deceptive). But when I can find the time, I love putting together something special. And after reading/re-reading the entire series, I really nailed a three-part series on Steve Hockensmith’s Sherlock...
“We will be filming at this screening for a DVD extra, so be there!” Smith says; the disc is currently scheduled for release later this spring or summer. He goes on to note that the showing is the same weekend as our West Coast Weekend of Horrors, and just a short cab ride away...
The Black Cat (原典阅读)The Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe 1FOR the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief. Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. Yet, mad am I not --...
Based on the ray-tracing method, we illustrated the optical appearance of the light trajectories near the BH region and try to under- stand the total change in the orbital plane from the eye of a distant observer. We define the total number of orbits such as n ≡ψ/2π , (in which ...