Set in 1935 Texas, this historical drama follows a Black college debate team as they defy societal prejudices to compete against white universities. Under the guidance of their resourceful coach, they confront not only racism but also economic disparities, proving intellect knows no color barri...
Black Education Then and Now: Disparities in the Quality and Funding of American SchoolsGreen, Tene’
Death by a thousand cuts: Stress exposure and black–white disparities in physiological functioning in late life The Journals of Gerontology: Serie Bibliographique, 75 (9) (2020), pp. 1937-1950, 10.1093/geronb/gbz068 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Bonilla-Silva, 1997 E. Bonilla-Silva Rethinking...
Previous research has examined the role of SES in shaping racial health disparities and recent studies have looked specifically at the effect of education on health to explain the racial disparity in health. Higher levels of education are robustly associated with good overall health for both blacks ...
Young black men who have sex with men are disproportionately affected by herpes simplex virus type 2, which may contribute to disparities in HIV acquisition. An extensive assessment of risk factors did not explain this disparity in herpes simplex virus type 2 infection suggesting differences in ...
The article focuses on a study which compares various associated factors to analyse disparities in HIV infection in black men who have sex with men (MSM) i... Millett,A Gregorio - 《Lancet》 被引量: 434发表: 2012年 Preventing sexual risk behaviors among gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents...
Leveraging our structured cabling expertise and adaptable solutions, the college overcame disparities in site knowledge and network configurations across campuses. This collaboration resulted in timely project delivery, efficient network integration, and a future-ready infrastructure, supporting Chichester College...
Moreover, research indicates that Black students dropout at higher rates in ninth and tenth grade compared to students from other racial or ethnic groups (Kim, Chang, Singh, & Allen, 2015). Researchers have only partially explained graduation disparities due to narrow or deficit-perspectives (...
racial group with self-rated health and functional limitations, adjusting for other covariates.Results: Black older adults had a higher mean cumulative risk score than white counterparts (2.3 卤 2.1 vs 1.5 卤 1.0; p Conclusion: SDoH-related black-white disparities remain persi...
Race, occupation, and lung cancer: detecting disparities with death certificate data black men and white men who had been employed in the metal industries.Black men were at increased risk for lung cancer mortality when compared with ... B Jan,A Toni,MR Petersen - 《Journal of Occupational &...