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When it comes to riding in Black Desert Online, one quickly understands that it is unlike anything else you may have encountered in other games. We assembled this Black Desert Online Horse Skills Guide to provide you with insight into the complexity of the process so you can learn how to ...
On top of the cake, players can obtain Arduanatt, a new powerful 9-tier pegasus mount. With wings, Arduanatt is the most graceful mount ever released in the Black Desert world. Its special abilities includes Wings of the Wind, which allows Arduanatt to glide in the air after a double j...
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"They'll always need men like us. Those who are willing to do... what others cannot." — Frank Woods in the Reveal Trailer Call of Duty: Black Ops II, is a first-person shooter developed by Treyarch and published by Activision. This is the ninth main ins
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Born October 22, 1956—Gretchen Roper, 63. Long-time member of fandom, filker and con-runner. She co-founded Dodeka Records with her husband, Bill Roper. She received with her husband the Pegasus Award for Best Original Humorous Song, “My Husband The Filker”, and was inducted into the ...
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