Norman Mailer's Harlot's Ghost (1991), the CIA, Howard Hunt's wife's death in an airplane explosion in 1972 Jim Garrison, Containment and Change (1969), Who Killed JFK? (1991), Ravens in the Storm (2008) Rogue element, murder, coup d'état, to an open mind we can prove the ...
While in this worksheet, use Table 1 (above) to determine the age at death for each wallaby, and put that number alongside the molar index value (i.e. Column C) labelled ‘Age’ (Given age as the nearest whole number in years). [HINT: use the sort function to sort Cells 2 to 50...
Assign the full text of John Brown’s statement to the court before he was sentenced to death for his involvement in the Harper’s Ferry raid. Have students complete a paired text analysis worksheet using the guiding question, “How do the genre and style of each text impact the author’s...