败血症型鼠疫(septicemic plague): 败血症鼠疫的潜伏期尚不清楚,一般为1~3天。病情急骤,患者会出现发热、寒战、极度虚弱、腹痛、休克,并可能发生皮肤和其他器官的出血。也因为皮肤和其他组织的广泛出血,故死后尸体呈紫黑色,所以鼠疫一开始被称为“黑死病”(Black Death)。...
Black Death — Also known as the Black Plague, it was a devastating pandemic that first struck Europe in the mid-14thcentury, killing between a third and two-thirds of Europe’s population, including about one-third of England’s population. 1348 -1350/ in mid-14th centurythe deadly bubonic...
: plague (as bubonic plague) caused by a bacterium and especially in the epidemic form that spread through Asia and Europe in the 14th century also : the 14th-century epidemic of plague Medical Definition black death noun variants or Black Death : plague sense 2 also : a severe ep...
The Black Death, also known as The Plague, was a pandemic affecting most ofEuropeand large swaths ofAsiafrom 1346 through 1353 that wiped out between 100 and 200 million people in just a few short years. Caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which is often carried by fleas found on rod...
Known as the Black Death, the much feared disease spread quickly for centuries, killing millions. The bacterial infection still occurs but can be treated with antibiotics.
Black Death Plague Strain Differs from That Which Killed Millions 800 Years EarlierGeoffrey Giller
Black Death n. An outbreak of virulent plague, especially its bubonic form, that killed large numbers of people throughout Europe and much of Asia in the 14th century. [Ultimately translation of Scandinavian terms for the bubonic plague, such as Swedish(den) svarta döden,(the) black death(...
Plague has a high fatality rate, and people have described outbreaks of bacterial infection for centuries. In the Middle Ages, the plague was known as the "Black Death." It caused the death of 60% of the population of Europe during a pandemic (an epidemic of human disease that has spread...
Black Plague Dbq The Black Plague or Black Death was an outbreak of a disease that was spread through rats, feces, fleas, and physical contact. The epidemic began in China, where, during wars, soldiers hurled infected bodies at Italian soldiers, consequently the physical contact. The Italians ...
roughly thirty percent of Europe’s population. There are several beliefs for the cause of this horribleplague, including: the idea of God punishing the people, the Miasma Theory, and the concept of rats carrying the disease. Many people believed that theBlack Deathwas God’s punishment for th...