A visually stunning and musically rich audiovisual album by Beyoncé, this ambitious project reimagines the story of The Lion King through a contemporary lens, celebrating the breadth and beauty of African culture. With its awe-inspiring visuals, poignant themes, and empowering messages, this...
In late 1940s Los Angeles, Easy Rawlins (Denzel Washington) is an unemployed black World War II veteran with few job prospects. At a bar, Easy meets DeWitt Albright (Tom Sizemore), a mysterious white man looking for someone to investigate the disappearance of a missing white woman named Daph...
Ray Charles, and Los Angeles’ first (and so far only) Black mayor Tom Bradley, who owned posh hillside homes there. Nearby, hike and picnic in Kenneth
Central Avenue, once the hub of Los Angeles’ black culture, is home to several landmarks, including the fabled Dunbar Hotel and the original Golden State Mutual Live Insurance Co. building. But roles African-Americans have played in the region’s development extend far beyond Central. Here ar...
With its Black Stories collection, Netflix celebrates Black cinema and culture and makes it a bit easier to navigate the extensive library. If you’re looking to indulge in the Black experience, Netflix has a lot of great options, but like any category on the site, it tends to be a bit...
Black Arts West: Culture and Struggle in Postwar Los Angelesdoi:10.2307/westhistquar.42.2.0246Robert BaumanOxford University PressWestern Historical Quarterly
With timeless hits like "Hot Stuff" and "I Feel Love," her groundbreaking fusion of R&B, electronic, and pop music laid the foundation for contemporary dance music and cemented her status as a pop culture icon. Also ranks #4 on The 60+ Best Female Singers Of The 1970s, Ranked Also ...
who looked to Black culture as a window into a more “primitive” and “vital” way of life. W.E.B. Du Bois, for one, railed against Van Vechten’s novel and criticized works by Black writers, such as McKay’s novelHome to Harlem, that he saw as reinforcing negative stereotypes of ...
As the popularity of Black rodeo culture has grown in the last year, it has opened doors for countless Black folk to deepen their relationship with themselves through seeing these historic traditions and families that have upheld them for generations. One of the first faces I saw ...
Explore top black cannabis news, lifestyle trends, and POC success stories and culture in the legal marijuana industry .