(born September 21, 1971) is an American actor, comedian, dancer, director, game show host and television personality. He played Alfonso Spears on the sitcom Silver Spoons, Carlton Banks on the NBC sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Maxwell Stanton on In the House. He is the host...
Pat Show: Based on comedian Patricia "Ms. Pat" Williams' real-life experiences, this sitcom chronicles her journey from poverty drug dealing to becoming a successful stand-up comic navigating suburban life with her husband children by her side. With gut-busting humor poignant moments, the seri...
The Big Black Comedy Show, Vol. 1: Directed by Dale S. Lewis. With DeRay Davis, Esau McGraw, Mo'Nique, Rodney Perry. 2-time Image Award-winning comedian/actress Mo'Nique hosts this 2004 comedy show with the outrageously funny Rodney Perry as her co-host.
A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny The Black Guy Who Tips 3033: Drake Comes For Lebron 01/05/2025/rodimusprime/0 Comments Rod and Karen banter about vibing to music you don’t know the words to, introducing yourself to people in public vs minding...
Easily one of the best movies of 2019,Dolemite Is My Nameis a biopic about comedianRudy Ray Mooreand the creation of his stand-up persona Dolemite.Eddie Murphystars as Moore, taking us through the comedian’s journey from struggling artist to underground hit to nationwide star, all leading up...
Yvette Nicole Brown is no stand-up comedian, even if comedic acting is what most people know her for. “I’m funny off the top of my head and in conversation and with other people's words on a script, but I don't have what it takes to stand in front of a brick wall with a ...
Flip Wilson, actor, comedian Paul Winfield, actor Oprah Winfrey, talk-show host, actress Alfre Woodward, actress Biographies of Famous African Americans Black Musicians Black History Month Activities, History, Timeline, Ideas, Events, Facts & Quizzes ...
Comedian and talk show hostWhoopi Goldberghas tested positive for COVID-19 over the holidays. She was forced to miss a taping of “The View” on Jan. 3, 2021, because of her diagnosis, co-hostJoy Behar announced to the studio audience. Behar said Goldberg was experiencing mild symptoms be...
#3. We Need to Talk About Cosby - Metascore: 83 - On air: 2022 "We Need to Talk About Cosby" is a documentary miniseries that explores Bill Cosby's downfall from beloved actor tosexual assailant. Comedian-television host W. Kamau Bell directed and produced the series and interviewed comed...
Comedians Chris Spencer and Deon Cole talk VICE TV's 'Black Comedy in America' series, impact of '70s sitcoms and impact of Black comedians on culture.