1.在扩展商店里搜索Black Formatter,安装并全局启用 2.shift+ctrl+p打开用户设置setting.json 3.在最后加入 "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.black-formatter", "black-formatter.args": [ "--skip-string-normalization" ], "editor.formatOnSave": true 分别是启用black formatter,取消格式化为双引号包裹...
Black是GitHub上的一个开源项目,号称自己是“决不妥协的代码排版器(The Uncompromising Code Formatter)”。 Python有一个官方建议的排版规范,叫做PEP 8: Style Guide for Python Code,是Python社区内排版的惯例。Black完全遵循这个规范,包括但不限于: 使用4个空格缩进(每一级) 每一行代码长度不超过79个字符 用两...
Black 自称“零妥协代码格式化工具(The uncompromising code formatter)”。 截止到 2022 年 11 月,Black 已经在 GitHub 斩获 30.3k 个 Stars,由 Google 开发维护的YAPF为 12.9k ,而autopep8则只有 4.2k 。可以说 Black 是目前最广受好评的 Python 代码格式化工具。 “Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” ...
1. 访问VScode扩展商店,搜索并安装Black Formatter。2. 使用快捷键shift+ctrl+p打开用户设置(setting.json)。3. 在文件末尾加入如下配置:"editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.black.formatFile": true },"editor.formatOnSave": true,"black.formatSingleQuote": false 配置完成后,Black Formatt...
Black 自称“零妥协代码格式化工具(The uncompromising code formatter)”。 截止到 2022 年 5 月,Black 已经在 GitHub 斩获 27.4k 个 Stars,由 Google 开发维护的YAPF为 12.5k ,而autopep8则只有 4.1k 。可以说 Black 是目前最广受好评的 Python 代码格式化工具。
// black formatter配置"[python]":{"editor.defaultFormatter":"ms-python.black-formatter","editor.codeActionsOnSave":{"source.organizeImports":true},"editor.formatOnSave":true,}, 三者区别 此处参考了博文:在VSCode中编写python代码,代码规范工具介绍与推荐 ...
"[python]":{"editor.defaultFormatter":null,"editor.insertSpaces":true,"editor.tabSize":4,"editor.formatOnSave":true} 关键点是: “编辑器.defaultFormatter”:空 如果您仍然像许多旧帖子一样使用“editor.defaultFormatter”: “black”,则‘black’ 格式化程序将无法在较新的 vs 代码中使用。
python -m black {source_file_or_directory}Command line optionsBlack doesn't provide many options. You can list them by running black --help:Usage: black [OPTIONS] [SRC]... The uncompromising code formatter. Options: -c, --code TEXT Format the code passed in as a string. -l, --line...
Description: Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter. Program: <install_location_from_step_2> Arguments: "$FilePath$" Format the currently opened file by selecting Tools -> External Tools -> black. Alternatively, you can set a keyboard shortcut by navigating to Preferences or Settings...
Following some discussions at work and the will of the team to adopt a python code formatter, I set out to explore some of them. No need to say, the contenders had to aim towards pep8 compliance. Here are my findings on three of them. ...