LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Based on the popular manga 'Black Clover' by Yūki Tabata,Netflixhas announced its upcoming anime film titled, 'Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King'. After four popular seasons of the 'Black Clover' anime series, fans have been waiting for a fifth season...
Cloverly (Independent Publisher) CMI CO2 Signal (Independent Publisher) CobbleStone Contract Insight Cognito Forms Cognizant Automation Center Cohere (Independent Publisher) Coinbase (Independent Publisher) Commercient Companies House (Independent Publisher) Company Connect Computer Vision API Connect2All Connect...
Don’t miss out on these must-watch series!“Kaleidoscope” on Netflix“Kaleidoscope” tells the story of a master thief and his crew, striving to pull off an ambitious heist worth 7 billion. However, their plans are ultimately thwarted by betrayal, avarice, and other detriments.For... See...
deadline date-time ギフトにつながる営業案件の目標日 (例: '2020-09-18T04:13:56Z')。 依頼日 ask_date date-time 要請の実行日 (例: '2020-09-18T04:13:56Z')。 値 value double 金額。 予定日 expected_date date-time 見込顧客が営業案件に応じて提供する予定の日付 (例: '2020...
If the system is configured to use custom action statuses, this value is based on the action status value. Completed on completed_date date-time The date when the action was completed (ex: '2020-09-18T04:13:56Z'). Status status string The action status. Direction direction string The...
Cloverly (Independent Publisher) CMI CO2 Signal (Independent Publisher) CobbleStone Contract Insight Cognito Forms Cognizant Automation Center Cohere (Independent Publisher) Coinbase (Independent Publisher) Commercient Companies House (Independent Publisher) Company Connect Computer Vision API Connect2All Connect...
This connector is built on top of Blackbaud's SKY API, and provides operations to help manage lists within The Raiser's Edge NXT.For more information, please view the documentation.PrerequisitesTo use this connector, you must have a Blackbaud ID account with access to one or more Blackbaud...
year y integer The year in the fuzzy date. Summary summary string The note summary. Character limit: 50. Note text string The note text. Author author string The note author. If not supplied, will have a default set based on the user's account. Character limit: 50. Returns Created const...
Added on or after date_added date-time Filter the results to campaigns created on or after the specified date (ex: '2020-09-18T04:13:56Z'). Modified on or after last_modified date-time Filter the results to campaigns modified on or after the specified date (ex: '2020-09-18T04...
Added on or after date_added date-time Filter the results to campaigns created on or after the specified date (ex: '2020-09-18T04:13:56Z'). Modified on or after last_modified date-time Filter the results to campaigns modified on or after the specified date (ex: '2020-09-18T04...