中文名:Black Clover M 黑色五叶草m魔法帝之路国际服游戏是一款动漫改编的卡牌回合战斗冒险体验手游,玩家们在游戏中需要抽取自己的卡牌人物,组成队伍一起冒险,培养你的伙伴们,一起来挑战更多难度的游戏乐趣,一起来这里看看吧! 黑色五叶草m魔法帝之路国际服官方介绍 黑色五叶草m魔法帝之路是一个二次元的动漫系列角色扮...
改编手游 Black Clover M在下载量与下载量突破榜单双双蹿升至第一。值得一提的是,在4周的窗口期内,该游戏仅用了3天就击败了其他所有游戏,下载量超过2100万次!西方市场推动了下载量的主要增长,其中包括巴西、美国、墨西哥、法国和西班牙等。这是发行商 Garena 开辟西方市场的又一个成功案例。Soul Knight Prequel...
Features of Black Clover Mobile on PC With all your passion for playing Black Clover Mobile, you hands are not supposed to be limited on a tiny screen of your phone. Play like a pro and get full control of your game with keyboard and mouse. MEmu offers you all the things that you ...
Original voice actors for Black Clover The game includes full Japanese voice acting with the original anime voice actors, including a star studded ensemble including Gakuto Kajiwara, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Kana Yuuki, Junichi Suwabe, Daisuke Ono, and more. ...
https://bclover-mobile.vicgame.jp/ ■公式Twitter https://twitter.com/bclover_mobile ■公式YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZdtBsOJZPg9teUyKaqSXgg 本アプリケーションは、権利者の正式な許諾を得て配信いたします。 Mostre mais ...
近日,data.ai 发布2023年11月全球突破游戏排行榜。广受欢迎的动漫系列《Black Cover》的手游授权游戏本期上线,让翘首以待的粉丝们终于可以在移动端体验到这款产品。改编手游 Black Clover M在下载量与下载量突破榜单双双蹿升至第一。 值得一提的是,在4周的窗口期内,该游戏仅用了3天就击败了其他所有游戏,下载量...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bclover_mobileg Customer Service: https://bcmsupporten.garena.com/ NoxPlayer Delivers The Best Gaming Experience For You Customize Your GameCutomize the key mapping. Enjoy the game with a big screen, keyboard, mouse and gamepad smoothly. ...
Want to unleash the best skills for Black Clover M Licht? The SSR unit has incredible skills and talents in his kit. So, discover the best builds from our Black Clover M Licht guide here. Black Clover Mis a turn-based RPG. The game takes place in a huge open world. Traverse across ...
Summon Mages and let original Black Clover characters join your squad. Experience interactions with your favorite characters, and get upgrade materials simply by using them in-game and strengthening your relationship with them through the Bond System. Every pull matters! Untap the potential of all yo...