黑盒优化面临最大的问题就是“收敛性”问题,它是不依赖梯度的(Derivative Free Optimization Approach),只关心输入的动作和输出的奖励,如何保证收敛性?讨论收敛性问题显然超出了本文的讨论范畴,庆幸的是我们生活的宇宙恰好能够使这类算法几乎收敛,这种优化方法跟进化算法(EA)十分相似,而且 worksembarrassinglywell 。 OK,...
黑盒优化面临最大的问题就是“收敛性”问题,它是不依赖梯度的(Derivative Free Optimization Approach),只关心输入的动作和输出的奖励,如何保证收敛性?讨论收敛性问题显然超出了本文的讨论范畴,庆幸的是我们生活的宇宙恰好能够使这类算法几乎收敛,这种优化方法跟进化算法(EA)十分相似,而且 works embarrassingly well 。
黑盒Prompt优化,让模型更好地对齐人类的意图 不同的Prompt带来的效果不一样,论文的核心: 在输入一个Prompt A之后,是否有方法可以自动优化Prompt A,得到PromptA′,然后将PromptA′喂给大模型,使得大模型产生的效果更好 背景介绍 动机 随着LLM模型越来越大,调整它们以遵循用户意图和指令变得越来越困难 目前的方法大...
Black-box optimization (BBO) is a rapidly growing field of optimization and a topic of critical importance in many areas including complex systems engineering, energy and the environment, materials design, drug discovery, chemical process synthesis, and computational biology. In this chapter, we ...
Black-box optimization (BBO) has a broad range of applications, including automatic machine learning, engineering, physics, and experimental design. However, it remains a challenge for users to apply BBO methods to their problems at hand with existing software packages, in terms of applicabi...
Learning Search Space Partition for Black-box Optimization using Monte Carlo Tree Search 发表时间:2020(NeurIPS 2020) 文章要点:我们知道贝叶斯优化做到高维的时候计算量很大,根本算不出来。这篇文章是把MCTS和贝叶斯优化结合起来,做高维的优化问题。主要思路是先用MCTS分割搜索空间,然后在子空间上再用贝叶斯优化去...
Two blackbox optimization methods, i.e., Bayesian optimization and directional Gaussian smoothing methods, are employed to address the challenge that the gradient of the loss function is inaccessible during optimization. The results show that the single-beam analytical model has limitations in fitting ...
Black-box optimization (BBO) has become increasingly relevant for tackling complex decision-making problems, especially in public policy domains such as police redistricting. However, its broader application in public policymaking is hindered by the complexity of defining feasible regions and the high-...
Unveiling the Backbone-Optimizer Coupling Bias in Visual Representation Learning - Black-Box-Optimization-Coupling-Bias/BOCB
Black-box expressions are defined using the C++ macrosILOBLACKBOXn, wherenis the number of arguments of the black-box: ILOBLACKBOXn(function_name, type_1, arg_1, type_2, arg_2, ..., type_n, arg_n) { CODE } For instance, the following example defines a very simple black-box expr...