With a big black birthmark (胎 ) on his face,Thomas never had any friends. He was worried, as if the world could never see the light. However, everything1 since that evening.Thomas was trying to forget 2 his classmates played tricks on him. "Thomas, here's a letter for you,let me...
D. How Stave Puzzles beat oer CWith a big black birthmark on his face, Thomas never had any friends. He was lonely and de-pressed, as if the world could never see the light. He used to love acting dramas in front of his mother, but now, he thinks he does not have the right to...
a nurse who despairs about the future; Taburo, a man who is tortured by his doppelganger; Pii-tan, an engineer with his own robot clone; and Baracchi, a girl who agonizes about the birthmark on her face.
The crumbs of her DNA make a horseshoe birthmark on the side of his neck, crackling through each dark tendril of hair, bequeathing the code that will make his hairline recede in ten years at the height of his prancing studliness. We watch the kids swarm the 7-11 with fistfuls of quart...
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Bant, my 7th grade teacher, decided to spend a special week on the red menace, I was anxious. Mr. Bant had a birthmark that… François Dosse | Félix Guattari & The “Molecular Revolution”: Italy, Germany, France 2022-10-04 Categories: Philosophy & PoliticsTags: A/traverso· Antonio ...
a我出身家境贫寒,并且自一出生脸上就有一块黑色胎记,很多人都觉得上天对我很不公平,为什么要让一个柔弱女孩承担这么多苦难, My family background family circumstances are poor, and has a black birthmark from an unfamiliar face on, very many people all thought ascends the sky is very unfair to me, ...
Black flips through the photos of Joon’s body taken the night he was found dead on the road, and realizes that there isn’t a scar on the boy’s hand, like Ha-ram said he should have. He also sees a birthmark on the boy’s back....
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