All-or-nothing也被称为黑白思维(black-and-white thinking),在这种思维模式下,人们相信只存在两类结果,好的和坏的,赢家和输家。研究表明,这种有限的视角可能会导致倦怠、抑郁和暴饮暴食。 要判断你或者你...
Black-and-white thinking: This is a type of thinking in which things are seen as either good or bad, right or wrong, with no in-between. This type of thinking can be limiting, as it prevents you from seeing the full range of possibilities. Overgeneralization: This is a type of thinking...
《黑白思维:复杂世界中二元大脑的负担》Black-and-White Thinking: The Burden of a Binary Brain in a Complex World 格式:PDF 页数:335 上传日期:2021-08-23 15:28:47 浏览次数:166 下载积分:1800 加入阅读清单 39% 0% 0% 还剩330 页未读,是否继续阅读? 此文档由 Patty 分享于 2021-08-23 继续...
Black and white thinking in relationships can lead to conflict and ultimately cause relationship breakup. Black and white thinking psychology offers an explanation for what this type of thinking is, as well as how it can cause problems. Here, learn what thinking black and white means, as well ...
But these are just illusions, a bit of harmless fun – right? Well see what you make of these examples of real-life black-and-white thinking: This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. ...
英文原版 Black-and-White Thinking 灰度思考 警惕非黑即白远离脑力内耗 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 作者:Dutton,出版社:Picador出版时间:2022年01月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥179.00 配送至 广东广州市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“瑞雅图书专营店”发货,并提供售后服务。
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网络非黑即白的谬误;非黑即白的思考 网络释义
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Black and White Thinking: A Psychoanalyst Reconsiders Race. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 10: 589-605Altman, N. (2000). Black and white thinking: A psychoanalyst reconsiders race. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 10 (4), 589–605.Altman, N. (2000), Black and white thinking: A psychoanalyst reconsiders ...