Obsessed, a suspenseful and engrossing thriller, stars Idris Elba as a successful businessman who becomes the target of a dangerous office stalker, played by Ali Larter, threatening to destroy his marriage to Sharon, portrayed by Beyoncé Knowles. Directed by Steve Shill, the film delves into...
Looks at the marriage between black and white couple Shimon-Craig Van Collie and Katrina La Throp. Decision to marry a black woman; Husband's contacts with African-Americans; Recollections of first encounter between couple; Isolation from black co...
Matt Drayton (Spencer Tracy) and his wife Christina (Katharine Hepburn) are wealthy liberals who must confront the latent racism the coming marriage arouses. Also attending the Draytons' dinner are Prentice's parents (Roy E. Glenn Sr., Beah Richards), who vehemently disapprove of the ...
Whether you are black dating a white, or you are a white dating a black, you need to understand that both of you have different cultures, and different upbringing, this means you will see things from different angles; sometimes, they might be a conflict of interest don’t allow it affect...
While it reminds us of the power of hope, it's also grounded in the reality of the racial challenges and flaws of the prison system Black people face to this day. — KS Watch on Prime Video 'Creed' (Image credit: Warner Bros) "Creed" is the seventh installment in the "Rocky" ...
Garcia, G., R. Lewis, Jr., & Ford-Robertson, J. (2015). Attitudes regarding laws limiting black-white marriage: A longitudinal analysis of perceptions and related behaviors. Journal of Black Studies, 46, 2, 199-217. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0021934714568017...
An economic model of marriage was developed and is used to explain declining rates of marriage among black and white women between the 1970s and 1980s in the US. Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC) benefit levels womens own earnings and the earnings of potential spouses are consider...
Ada (Mama Sane) awaits the date of her arranged marriage to Omar (Babacar Sylla), but her heart truly lies with Souleiman (Traore), a Senegal refugee in search of a better life for him and his lover. When the bodies of Souleiman’s companions wash up on the shore, Ada assumes her ...
That same year, Dorothy would appear on the cover of Ebony magazine, but also go through her first divorce, following a nine-year marriage to dancer Harold Nicholas. Unbeknownst to the public, their marriage had never recovered following the birth of their daughter, Harolyn Suzanne, who was ...
BLACK/WHITEINTERRACIAL MARRIAGETRENDS,1850–-2000 AaronGullickson Thisarticletracesthetrendinblack/whiteinterracialmarriagebetween 1850–2000,usingmicrolevelCensussamples.Theresultsshowthatthefre- quencyofinterracialmarriagehasbeenhighlyresponsivetothedynamicnature ofbroaderracerelations.ThegrowthoftheJimCrowracialstate...