在某些情况下,用“black and white”来思考是很有用的,但一般来说,生活中有太多“灰色”或者是介于黑白两者之间的问题。比如说需要靠上下文来确定某些行为是正确的还是错误的,这是一种相对成熟的思考方式。Saying something is black and white does not refer to literal colors. Instead, it is a metaphor ...
Silicone+Plastic Universial Mobile Phone Case -Black >>>Products Specification : >> Material:Silicone+Plastic >> Sizes: 4.5-4.7;4.7-5.0;5.0-5.3;5.3-5.6;5.6-6.0 >> MOQ: in stock >>Wonderfone have specialized in phone accessories and spare parts over 12 years. >>Main...
Sapphire crystal Titanium case Water-resistant Now 2x tougher front display thanks to Sapphire crystal. It even looks indestructible with Black Titanium or Gray Titanium body to take the big hits. 2, 17, 18 CAMERA CONTROLLER Better watch yourself Snap the perfect group selfie and keep your...
it's a canvas for personal expression. With the option to customize your mouse pad with various designs and sizes, you can create a unique gaming environment that reflects your style. Whether you're a fan of anime, World of Tanks, or simply want to showcase your favorite game, the custom...
The HyperX Clutch can connect wirelessly to Android devices using Bluetooth®[1], so you can play games on your tablet. It can also connect to your PC via the included receiver and USB-C to USB-A cable. Comfortable ergonomic design ...
5/10mil Black/White Label Dhesive Sticking to Metal Velvet Polycarbonate Graphic Overlay Printed, Find Details and Price about Overlay Graphic Overlay from 5/10mil Black/White Label Dhesive Sticking to Metal Velvet Polycarbonate Graphic Overlay ...
Mactaggart & Mickel have launched the final phase at its Hillpark development in Blackhall - 70 years after they started building there.Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
Contributory negligence on the part of the User according to this Agreement shall be assumed in the case of non-compliance with the User’s rights and obligations. The limitation period for claims made by Users, who are not private end users, shall be one year from the start of the ...
New DEEPcool CC560 white and black Computer Case for PC case M ATX $49.00 - $55.00 Min. order: 1 piece New JONS-BO C6 handle black Computer Case for PC case M ATX $30.00 - $33.00 Min. order: 1 piece New Arrival DEEPCOOL LS720 SE Digital 360mm RGB Water Cooler For Gaming compute...
Our forwarder will arrange all shiping business for you no matter the goods is shipped by sea or air if you need our help We will make a further improvement or redesign the case if you receive our goods on hands and have some new idea for the case.Se...