Rosewood, Florida, is a small, peaceful town with an almost entirely African-American population of middle-class homeowners, until New Year's Day 1923, when a lynch mob from a neighboring white community storms the town. Among the carnage, music teacher Sylvester (Don Cheadle) and mysterious ...
Get Out, a groundbreaking and critically acclaimed thriller directed by Jordan Peele, masterfully combines horror elements with incisive social commentary, following Chris, played by Daniel Kaluuya, as he uncovers a sinister secret behind his white girlfriend's seemingly welcoming family. This though...
Rosewood, Florida, is a small, peaceful town with an almost entirely African-American population of middle-class homeowners, until New Year's Day 1923, when a lynch mob from a neighboring white community storms the town. Among the carnage, music teacher Sylvester (Don Cheadle) and mysterious ...
The Best Modern Black & White Movies Vote 45 National Security Martin Lawrence, Steve Zahn, Colm Feore 19 votes Earl Montgomery (Martin Lawrence), a bombastic police academy reject, and Hank Rafferty (Steve Zahn), a disgraced, mild-mannered cop, can't seem to escape each other. They met ...
Rosewood, Florida, is a small, peaceful town with an almost entirely African-American population of middle-class homeowners, until New Year's Day 1923, when a lynch mob from a neighboring white community storms the town. Among the carnage, music teacher Sylvester (Don Cheadle) and mysterious ...
Rosewood, Florida, is a small, peaceful town with an almost entirely African-American population of middle-class homeowners, until New Year's Day 1923, when a lynch mob from a neighboring white community storms the town. Among the carnage, music teacher Sylvester (Don Cheadle) and mysterious ...
Rosewood, Florida, is a small, peaceful town with an almost entirely African-American population of middle-class homeowners, until New Year's Day 1923, when a lynch mob from a neighboring white community storms the town. Among the carnage, music teacher Sylvester (Don Cheadle) and mysterious ...
Rosewood, Florida, is a small, peaceful town with an almost entirely African-American population of middle-class homeowners, until New Year's Day 1923, when a lynch mob from a neighboring white community storms the town. Among the carnage, music teacher Sylvester (Don Cheadle) and mysterious ...
Rosewood, Florida, is a small, peaceful town with an almost entirely African-American population of middle-class homeowners, until New Year's Day 1923, when a lynch mob from a neighboring white community storms the town. Among the carnage, music teacher Sylvester (Don Cheadle) and mysterious ...
Get Out, a groundbreaking and critically acclaimed thriller directed by Jordan Peele, masterfully combines horror elements with incisive social commentary, following Chris, played by Daniel Kaluuya, as he uncovers a sinister secret behind his white girlfriend's seemingly welcoming family. This though...