Media TypeVideo Game TitlePokemon Black and White 2 English TitlePokemon Black and White 2 AliasesBW2, Pokemon Black 2, Pokemon White 2 Romaji TitlePoketto burakku ando howaito Furigana Titleポケットモンスター ブラック・ホワイト 2
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city building and god game elementsBlack & White 2was released on October 7, 2005. An operating system Mac OS X port was released in January 2009. It is the sequel to2001’s Black & White, also the brainchild of Peter Molyneux. Designers ...
Pokémon in this tier are able to OHKO or 2HKO an overwhelming majority of foes, limit the amount of attacks used against them, and function with minimal reliance on items to defeat opponents at similar levels. These Pokémon typically show up before the late-game, and any flaws they have ...
从天空俯瞰《Black and White 2》的世界,一望无垠的田野,阳光普照的海岸线波光粼粼……世界并不如它表面那么谐和,它是各种文明征战的战场,在残忍的战役中各自为了自身的利益而战最终膜拜庇护自己的神明。《Black and White 2》是一款由国外知名制作人Peter Molyneux全力开发的新型态游戏,游戏目前处于制作阶段,...
Pokémon Black and White (DS Game) first released 4th Mar 2011, developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo.
Like its wildly successful predecessor, Black & White, the sequel is all about moral choices. The land, however, has transformed itself. The inhabitants of this breathtaking 3D world have lost their innocence and developed new weapons and technology...
黑与白 2Black and White 2 / B&W2 / BW2Black & White 2 Lionhead Studios,Robosoft Technologies 2005-10-04 7.57.6 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 媒体评分7.5会员评分7.6 在游戏中玩家扮演的身分是形而上本质的最高阶——希腊的神,不但能以各种无边神力庇佑子民,也能培养自己的分身-神兽为人类服务,而神兽...
Within minutes of initializing gameplay in Black & White, it's readily apparent you're not looking at a clone of a typical good versus evil adventure or a god game. Mixing elements of empire building, resource management, life simulation, survival and brawling with complex strategies and tactics...
黑与白 2 :众神之战Black and White 2: Battle of the Gods / B&W2:BotG / B&W2:BG / BW2BotG / BW2BGBlack & White 2: Battle of the Gods Lionhead Studios 2006-04-24 6.96.7 简介 开发/发行 链接 媒体评分6.9会员评分6.7 《黑与白2:众神之战》将加入两个新的神兽,两块新的大陆和四个新...