Hal Williams is an accomplished African American actor, renowned for his notable con… 123...71 Get Black History in Your Email: Trending Martin Luther King, Jr. Was Arrested 29 Times For These So-Called Crimes November 03, 2019 The Real Betty Boop Was a Black Woman... Before She Was ...
High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America Not many shows spotlight Black Americans' contributions to the culinary world, but Netflix docuseries High on the Hog does an exceptional job, taking you backward and forward in time through food -- and culture. Through...
Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Also known as African American History Month, the event grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G Woodson. Fin...
Sculpting History at the Valentine Studio: Art, Power, and the “Lost Cause” American Myth The Valentine | Opening January 25, 2024 Learn how Edward Valentine, leaders in Richmond, and others around the country created and perpetuated the harmful “Lost Cause” narrative through sculptures, and...
Food Matters; Black history, you and eleven other monthsDwyer, Alexsa
Blackfoot, Indigenous North American tribe who traditionally lived in what is now Alberta and Montana.
In another history-making appointment, Condoleezza Rice, Bush’s longtime foreign policy adviser and the former head of the National Security Council, succeeded Powell, becoming the first African American woman to serve as secretary of state. Though he largely stayed out of the political spotlight ...
Black History: Unity and Community –West Palm Beach When: February 8, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm This season the Historical Society of Palm Beach County invites the community to unite for a special event to pay homage to homegrown African American stars in music, art, and dance. A multimedi...
In honor of Black History Month, we’re highlighting 9 outstanding Black-owned food and beverage brands, plus some important resources that deserve the spotlight—this February and always. The following list is by no means “the whole picture” of Black-owned and operated businesses and contributi...
not only general readers, but also students and scholars in health and medicine, psychology and health psychology, nursing and social work. Views on celebrity black Americans who have fought battles against their weight, a review of soul food cookbooks and the cultural history of black American cu...