the slow songs broken up by the faster ones instead of all smooshed together on one side, the album wouldn't have recieved the bad rap that it did from the supposedly open-minded punkers. Rollins has pointed out that the band often performed the songs in the same matrix live and met ...
However, when it comes to screening the geos, we see the natural world staged as nothing more than a resource, something to be used by humans (albeit blue ones). Indeed, the nearest K'uk'ulkan comes to addressing the environment is a brief comment on the pristine quality of Wakanda's ...
There are various indices for determining the crop water content and irrigation scheduling, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages as discussed by J ones2. Some of these indices are soil-based (such as SW and soil water potential) and some are based on the crop (such as ...
Lately it has been going more like 24/38/38, with the massive amount of “found at 3am” votes plus all the little frauds that often are never even checked- the dead voters, the illegals, the ones that harvest nursing homes and suchlike. The numbers are WAGS, but I believe the spiri...
We hear about this, we amplify it and we rage. We RAGE for the lives that were lost for no reason. We mourn for the parents who have to bury their child, the people who lost their life partners, the young ones who were there to see their friends slain. ...
This has led to a high level of frustration in both the security community and the press that the only stories that get covered are the sensational ones designed to drive traffic and get on Slashdot. The discussion will focus on what factors drive the coverage of security stories, whether ...
To the white people who want to make Michael Brown’s death and the subsequent rioting, looting, and violence in Ferguson a banal and overblown racial issue (you know, the ones who say things like, “This looting would never happen if Michael Brown had been white….” or “White people ...
If ones traces further back in time, one will see that the mercenary army often referred to as ‘al Qaeda’, was created by the USA as a proxy force, which was used to fight the Russians in Afghanistan throughout the 1980s – precisely as they are being used today in Libya and Syria...
However, when it comes to screening the geos, we see the natural world staged as nothing more than a resource, something to be used by humans (albeit blue ones). Indeed, the nearest K'uk'ulkan comes to addressing the environment is a brief comment on the pristine quality of Wakanda's ...
obtaiFmnFieiNggdu.urfrereo7m7sshehoxowpwessraiamddhehneestsisioolninkfefoortrhcceeevovenerersssuussshiionnwiittiniaalilnccooFnnitgtaauccrtteffsoor5rcceaenaadttv6va.arAriiooluuasrsgddewwneeulllmlttibmimeere.o.TfThehexepddeaartitamawweneertrese obtained from experiments like the ones shown in ...