本文分别介绍博流RISC-V芯片 BL616 在 Windows和Linux 下开发环境搭建,本文同时适用BL618,BL602,BL702,BL808系列芯片。 1、工具安装Windows 我们在日常工作中会经常使用到 git,windows 环境下载 git 安装包安…
Bouffalo Lab BL616/BL618 is a 32-bit RISC-V wireless microcontroller with support for 2.4 GHz WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.2 dual-mode, and an 802.15.4 radio for Zigbee, Thread, and Matter designed for IoT applications. We first spotted the BL616 RISC-V IoT MCU during the BL602/BL606 ...
Bouffalo Lab BL616/BL618 is a 32-bit RISC-V wireless microcontroller with support for 2.4 GHz WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.2 dual-mode, and an 802.15.4 radio for Zigbee, Thread, and Matter designed for IoT applications. We first spotted the BL616 RISC-V IoT MCU during the BL602/BL606 ann...
BL616的SDH引脚为 10,11,12,13,14,15 默认DEMO里使用ES8388的引脚有两套:其中一套为:// 13 I2S...
1、Ai-M61&Ai-M62参数概览 Ai-M61系列 安信可Ai-Thinker Ai-M61系列搭载BL618芯片作为处理器,支持Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n/ax协议和BLE 5.3协议。BL618芯片内置低功耗的32位RISC-V CPU,最高主频可达320M。丰富的外围接口,包括DVP、MJPEG、Dispaly、Audio Codec、USB2.0、SDU、以太网(EMAC)、SD/MMC(SDH)、...
数据手册:https://gitee.com/verimaker/BL618EVB/raw/master/BL616_BL618_DS_zh_CN_1.4(open).pdf BL618拥有4个通道输出PWM,每个通道可以输出2路互补PWM,总共可以从8个引脚输出8路PWM。 引脚定义: 在默认情况下(即reg_pwm1_io_sel=0),GPIO 24 - GPIO 27和GPIO 28 - GPIO 31相同,对应PWM的通道0 -...
本文详细介绍了博流RISC-V芯片BL616在Windows和Linux操作系统下搭建开发环境的步骤。以下内容同样适用于BL618、BL602、BL702、BL808系列芯片。工具安装方面,推荐使用最新版本的Git-,安装完成后桌面上会显示Git Bash工具,直接双击即可进入Git命令行界面。代码下载步骤,在Git命令行...
BL616/BL618 is Wi-Fi6 + Bluetooth 5.x + Zigbee combo chipset for ultra-low-power applications. Wireless subsystem contains 2.4G radio, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n/ax, BT/BLE, and Zigbee baseband/MAC designs. Microcontroller subsystem contains a low-power 32-bit RISC-V CPU with floating point un...
BL616/BL618 is a Wi Fi 6+BT 5.3+802.15.4 (Zigbee/Thread) combination chip suitable for ultra-low power applications. It mainly includes two subsystems: wireless and microcontroller. The wireless subsystem includes 2.4G wireless, Wi Fi 802.11b/g/n/ax, BT/BLE, and 802.15.4 baseband/MAC ...
PeripheralBL602/BL604BL702/BL704/BL706BL616/BL618BL808 WIFI4×--× WIFI6--√- BT--√× BLE××√× ZIGBEE-××× Note:√means supported ;×means not supported;○means supported but not tested ;-means no such peripheral. Environment Setup ...