In Arduino IDE, go toFile > Preferences, and add toAdditional Boards Manager URLsfollowing: Then openTools > Board > Boards Manager, search forArduino for Bouffalo Labs RISC-V MCUsand install it. (Also, then don't forget to...
通过BL602/BL604芯片作为系统主控,实现智能全彩灯的控制,可通过wifi接入Dohome平台,同时DoHome APP已经对接了各大智能音箱(小米小爱,百度小度,阿里天猫精灵,Amazon,Google,京东叮咚)。可根据需求通过BL602模组制作智能灯具和其他相关产品。 项目地址:
BL602&BL604综合项目2:dolphin蓝牙跳蛋 本项目为一款蓝牙跳蛋的设计,主控芯片为BL602,通过PWM控制震动马达的转速实现不同的震动强度变化,通过蓝牙连接设备,APP下发蓝牙指令实现设备的控制。 项目地址: 蓝牙初始化: voiddo_ble_init(void){/...
博流智能科技(Bouffalo Labs)是世界领先的芯片及智能云平台整体解决方案商。他们有一款低成本、低功耗 RISC-V 微控制器Bouffalo Labs BL602,该微控制器可为物联网项目提供 2.4 GHz WiFi 和蓝牙 5.0 LE 连接,价格与 ESP8266 也差不多。我是在去年和它的开发板一起发现它的。 实际上,之前Pine64 就创建过自己...
克隆仓库git clone 修改权限,运行以下两条命令 chmod -R 777 ./Doiting_BL/bl_iot_sdk/toolchain/ find ./Doiting_BL/bl_iot_sdk/customer_app -name "genromap"|xargs chmod 777 编译 以下使用hello-world为例 ...
克隆仓库git clone 修改权限,运行以下两条命令 chmod -R 777 ./Doiting_BL/bl_iot_sdk/toolchain/ find ./Doiting_BL/bl_iot_sdk/customer_app -name "genromap"|xargs chmod 777 编译 以下使用hello-world为例 ...
Specifications: Product Type: Integrated Circuits Customization: Yes Model: Ai-WB2-12F NodeMCU-Ai-WB2-12F-Kit Compatibility: Smart Electronics Experiment with Arduino STM32 Operating Temperature: -40 to +85℃ Bluetooth-compatible: BLE5.0 Processor: BL602 chip with 32-bit RISC CPU, 276KB RAM Perip...
NUCLEO-F103RB STM32F103RB 现货开发板 支持Arduino 现货 可直拍 NUCLEO-F103RB 88888 BESWHO/佰斯浩 开发板 2018 ¥89.9100元>=1 个 深圳市佰斯浩电子科技有限公司 5年 -- 立即询价 查看电话 QQ联系 小,但很能打。兼容树莓派HAT、信用卡大小的开发板 -- -- -- -- 面议 研扬科技(苏州)有限...
But we may also get Arduino/PlatformIO and MicroPython support. Anyway, that’s the tweet where I learned about BL602 and that it would be as cheap as ESP8266. TL Lim, the founder of Pine64, also participated in the discussion and would consider launching a Pine64 BL...
More recently he decided to work on the Nutcracker challenge to create an open-source WiFi and Bluetooth stack, and wrote along postgoing through the reverse engineering process for the WiFI code in BL602 SDK. This includes going through all functions of the code to understand basics like conne...