Yuri on Ice is a sports anime based on Mitsurou Kubo’s manga of the same title. Much like Banana Fish, this BL anime series is developed by MAPPA Studios. This story follows the adventures of our protagonist and figure skater, Yuuri Katsuki. Yuuri chooses to hang up his ice skates afte...
As probably all of you already know, “manhwa” is the Korean term for comics, corresponding to the Japanese term “manga”. Recently, Korean manhwa, either webtoons or paper ones, are gaining huge popularity and, exactly like Japanese manga, they touch various genres. BL manhwa, thanks to ...
It will probably be a port of the main scenario plus new key visuals and story. This game is sort of like a prequel to Coly’s other game “Stand My Heroes” which is a big hit mobile game and also got it’s own anime. [Cast] VA’s are in bold Not Announced Yet [Staff] P...
The Man of Tango| By Tetuzoh Okadaya | SuBLime Manga | Rated M (Mature) –So distant are the days when I found SuBLime’s selection of titlesmostly unimpressive, that it’s a bit of a struggle to recall them. And, in face of a book likeThe Man of Tango, it’s hard to believe ...
Hyorinmaru allows Hitsugaya to control the weather, specifically water and ice. His slashes create an immense amount of spirit power which overflows from the tip of the blade, creating a flow of ice shaped like a Chinese dragon. The dragon flies at opponents and instantly freezes anything it...
The two sculptures in the exhibition by Rhys Lee imbue associations of debris and deal with found objects such as a money box, a dead bird and a clowns face. These trophy-like pieces are decorated by old, worn and found vintage materials that engage with the everyday. The intimate scale ...
Recent years have witnessed significant growth in research on the phenomenon of Asian Boys’ Love (BL) dramas, a new entertainment genre that features male characters who engage in same-sex love relations. However, much of this research has focused on, among others, heterosexual female viewers in...
2016: "Prefetch Side-Channel Attacks: Bypassing SMAP and Kernel ASLR" by Daniel Gruss, Clementine Maurice, Anders Fogh, Moritz Lipp and Stefan Mangard at CCS [video] 2016: "Using Undocumented CPU Behavior to See Into Kernel Mode and Break KASLR in the Process" at Black Hat [video] 2016:...
Suzuka’s attitude about this comes off as odd. On one hand, she’s obviously very happy to have a friend who’s into BL like her and her sister. On the other hand, she’s hoping Ilya and company can restore some sanity to Mimi when it comes to BL. Even in the end, Mimi’s ...
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