Cumulative Effect - Accounting Chg Cumulative Effect - Accounting Chg - - - - - Discontinued Operations Discontinued Operations - - - - - Net Income After Extraordinaries Net Income After Extraordinaries (5.75M) (3.67M) (3.31M) (1.17M) 4.52M Preferred Dividends Preferred Dividends - - - ...
Cumulative Effect - Accounting Chg Cumulative Effect - Accounting Chg - - - - - Discontinued Operations Discontinued Operations - - - - - Net Income After Extraordinaries Net Income After Extraordinaries (5.75M) (3.67M) (3.31M) (1.17M) 4.52M Preferred Dividends Preferred Dividends - -...
Their annual turnover is around 5 million euros, with exports accounting for 10 per cent. Almost half of the turnover is generated in the toy industry, supplying Playmobil, among others. Another 30% comes from the automotive industry: exteriors, interiors, lighting. They generate the rest from...
龚启辉:中国国籍,男,1984年4月出生,中共党员,浙江大学管理学院副教授,北京大学会计学博士,中国注册会计师、浙江省数字化发展与治理研究中心研究员。致力于会计与审计行为、政府监管与资本配置等问题的研究,为完善公司治理与政府监管提供建议。研究成果发表在《The Accounting Review》、《经济研究》、《金融研究》、《会...
[2].Lennox.Do companies successfully engage in opinion shopping?Evidence from the UK[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2000 (29) [3].陆正飞, 童盼.审计意见、审计师变更与监管政策[J].审计研究, 2003 (3) [4].石绍炳.基于中国股票市场审计师变更与审计意见购买的实证分析[J].现代会计与审计,...
ICAEW和中国28 所大学有合作关系,其中包括清华大学、对外经贸大学和位于苏州的西郊利物浦大学。ICAEW是2006 年4 月成立的全球会计师联合会(GAA)Global Accounting Alliance的联合创始机构及成员之一,也是2012 年12 月成立的世界特许会计师联盟Chartered Accountants Worldwide的联合创始机构及成员之一。